Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo/Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association

Lecture by Dr. Mario Jareb on the occasion of the Croatian Flag Day, 05.06.2019

PredLast year the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Asscoation (HGZD), together with the Croatian History Institute, the Croatian History Museum and the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon, held a ceremonial gala to start the initiative to establish the Day of Croatian Flag, as an official memorial day on 5 June, in memory of the […]

13th Anniversary of HGZD

HGZD Novosti

Thrteen years ago on this day the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD) was established. I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to you all for your support and cooperation. In my opinion during the last 13 years we accomplished much though small and modest steps, thus slowly gathering heritage to which we […]

HGZD President meets the FIAV President

Predsjednik HGZD-a Heimer i predsjednik FIAV-a Lupant, Bruxelles, belgija, 27.11.2018.

The President of the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD), LTC Dr. Željko Heimer met on 27 November 2018 in Bruxelles, Belgium with the President of the International Federation of Vexillological Assocations (FIAV) Michel Lupant. They talked on plans of the two organization, possibilities of mutual cooperation and cooperation with other vexillological organizations in the […]

Ceremonial Gala Marking 170 Years of the Croatian State Flag

Svečana akademija u prigodi obilježavanja 170. obljetnice hrvatske državne zastave, Zlatna dvorana Hrvatskoga instituta za povijest, Zagreb, 5. lipnja 2018.

The Croatian History Institute, the Croatian History Museum, the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon d the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD), organized a ceremonial gala marking the 170 years of the Croatian state flag. The gala was held in the Golden Hall of the Croatian History Institute, Opatička st. 10, Zagreb, on […]

In Company with the World Most Famous Vexillologists

(Translated with permission, from the magazine “Hrvatski vojnik”, nr. 534, 8 Sep 2017, p. 47, http://hrvatski-vojnik.hr/pdfmagazin/hv_534.pdf#47) Prepared by Domagoj VLAHOVIĆ ♦ VEXILOLOGY Željko Heimer, officer of the Croatian Armed Forces, collaborator of the Hrvatski vojnik and vexillologist (scientist researching flags, their history, meaning and use), received a great international recognition for his work The International […]

»Grb i zastava« № 19 Issued

With the spring issue of 2016 our journal »Grb i zastava« enters its volume 10. The number 19 was just sent to the printers and our members may expiect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: … this issue of GiZ […]

»Grb i zastava« № 2 Issued

The number 2 of our bulletin “Grb i zastava” with date December 2007 was issued. It is the third heft of the bulletin, this time also on 20 pages of A4 size with numerous colour illustrations. The members should expect their copy in their mailboxes these days. We are looking forward to hearing your opinion. […]

The HGZD Flag Introduced at 22nd ICV FlagBerlin 2007

During the 22nd International Congress of Vexillology (ICV) FlagBerlin 2007 held from 6th to 10th August 2007, the HGZD membership application for the International Federation of Vexillologic Associations (FIAV, www.fiav.org), the top vexillologic organization encompassing over 50 national associations from all over the world, was approved. That was an excellent opportunity to introduce the newly […]