Tag: PFA

Portland Flag Association

Media on Heimer’s Election for the FIAV President

@FIAV.org: For the first time in twenty years, today the FIAV Board changed. (left to right, Charles Spain, outgoing Secretary-General; Graham Bartram, continuing Secretary-General for Congresses; Michel Lupant, outgoing President; Željko Heimer, incoming President; and Bruce Berry, outgoing Secretary-General)

The General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological associations (FIAV) held its session during the 28th International congress of Vexillology (28ICV), held from 15 to 20 July 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, US, electing its new FIAV Board. The Assembly elected the HGZD president, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer, LF, FF, for the FIAV […]

The Flag Heritage Foundation issued »Vexillology as a Social Science« by Željko Heimer

Heimer: »Vexillology as a Social Science«, Flag Heritage Foundation, Danvers, MA, 2017.

The sixth publication in The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series, titled Vexillology as a Social Science, was issued in April. It is the English adaptation of the major part of the doctoral thesis by Željko Heimer, defended at the Postgraduate Doctoral Studies of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of […]

»Grb i zastava« № 19 Issued

With the spring issue of 2016 our journal »Grb i zastava« enters its volume 10. The number 19 was just sent to the printers and our members may expiect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: … this issue of GiZ […]

HGZD supports the initiative for marking of the World Vexillology Day – October 1

Wolrd Vexilology Day - October 1

The Portland Flag Association (PFA) recently started an initiative to designate the October 1 as World Vexillology Day and invited other vexillological associations to support the idea and join in marking the World Vexillology Day already this year. The World Vexillology Day is envisaged as a celebration of flags and their study (vexillology), organized by participating […]