Tag: Kekez

Hrvoje Kekez

»Grb i zastava« № 31 Issued

The № 31 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVI, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: Dear Reader, I hope you are still well and healthy. It appears that the consequences of pandemic, earthquakes, […]

A New Thematic Number of »Hrvatska revija« on Heraldry

Hrvatska revija 2019-1

»Hrvatska revija« (Croatian Review) is a journal of the Croatian Matrix (Matica hrvatska) covering social and cultural issues. The journal was established in Zagreb in 1928 and issued until 1945. It was reestablished in 1951 in Buenos Aires, and since 1991 it has again been issued quarterly in Zagreb under the Matrix. The latest number of Revija has the […]

»Grb i zastava« № 19 Issued

With the spring issue of 2016 our journal »Grb i zastava« enters its volume 10. The number 19 was just sent to the printers and our members may expiect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: … this issue of GiZ […]

Round Table on Heraldry at Kliofest History Festival 2014

HGZD members participated in the discussion panel titled “Symbols of Croatian Identity – on Coats of Arms, Heraldry and Historiography” as part of the History Festival “Kliofest 2014” organized by the Croatian National Board on History Sciences (Zagreb), Society of the Croatian History (Zagreb), National and University Library (Zagreb), Croatian State Archives (Zagreb), Union of […]

9th HGZD Tribune, 29.3.2011 – Hrvoje Kekez

Our 9th Tribune was held on Tuesday, 29th March 2011 at 18:30 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG), 44 Preradovićeva street. Mr. Hrvoje Kekez, Medieval History Department, the Croatian History Institute, held the lecture »Nobility of Zelina and their Arms«. The nobility of the Zelina region is recorded already in the […]

»Grb i zastava« № 8 Issued

The autumn issue of our journal »Grb i zastava« was published in the end of November and presented on the 6th HGZD Tribune on 7 December 2010. In the mean time it was sent by mail to our members, subscribers and to institutions and associations with whom we exchange publications. The № 8 of GiZ […]

»Grb i zastava« № 7 Issued

The spring issue of our journal »Grb i zastava« was published in the end of May and presented on the HGZD General Assembly on 25 May 2010. In the mean time it was sent by mail to our members, subscribers and to institutions and associations with whom we exchange publications. The № 7 of GiZ […]

New Book by Hrvoje Kekez “Grbovi gradova u Republici Hrvatskoj”, Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2009

Issued by Mozaik knjiga, the new book titled “Grbovi gradova u Republici Hrvatskoj” (City coats of arms in the Republic of Croatia) by our member, Hrvoje Kekez was published recently. On 80 pages of pocket size, it pictures the coats of arms of all 127 administrative units in Croatia with the city status, each followed […]

»Grb i zastava« № 2 Issued

The number 2 of our bulletin “Grb i zastava” with date December 2007 was issued. It is the third heft of the bulletin, this time also on 20 pages of A4 size with numerous colour illustrations. The members should expect their copy in their mailboxes these days. We are looking forward to hearing your opinion. […]