New Book Heimer: »Syntax of the modern Croatian heraldic blazons and vexillological flag descriptions«, Redak, Split, 2016

Željko Heimer: »Sintaksa suvremenog hrvatskog heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava – Analiza službenih opisa grbova i zastava suvremenih jedinica lokalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao temelj za izgradnju i formalizaciju sintaksnih pravila heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava«, Redak, Split, 2016.

Željko Heimer: »Sintaksa suvremenog hrvatskog heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava – Analiza službenih opisa grbova i zastava suvremenih jedinica lokalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao temelj za izgradnju i formalizaciju sintaksnih pravila heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava«, Redak, Split, 2016.

Title: Sintaksa suvremenog hrvatskog heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava (In English: Syntax of the modern Croatian heraldic blazons and vexillological flag descriptions)
Subtitle: Analiza službenih opisa grbova i zastava suvremenih jedinica lokalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao temelj za izgradnju i formalizaciju sintaksnih pravila heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava (In English: Analysis of official descriptions of coats of arms and flags of units of local self-government in the Republic of Croatia as a foundation for development and formalization of syntax rules for heraldic blazons of coats of arms and vexillological descriptions of flags)
Author: Željko Heimer
Number of pages: 190
Publisher: REDAK
Year of issue: 2016.
ISBN: 978-953-336-291-5
Print: digital book printing – print on demand


The paper presents a formal syntactic model of the modern Croatian heraldic blazons (descriptions of coats of arms) and vexillological flag descriptions, based on the analysis of those descriptions from the Ministry of Administration acts approving the use of those symbols to the counties, cities and communities.

The Croatian heraldic terminology developed mainly during the 20th century, but officially and systematically described coats of arms and flags in Croatian language appear only after the establishment of the Republic of Croatia, i.e. after the forming of the central professional supervision over the adopted symbol designs of the units of local self-government, though the Commission for Providing Assessment for the Approval of a Coats of Arms and a Flag to the Units of Local Self-Government, established in the Ministry of Administration. The approvals of arms and flag include the official descriptions of approved coat of arms and flag, made after the professional assessment of the Commission.

Such descriptions were analysed from almost two thirds of approvals granted so far. The descriptions indicate mature consistency of heraldic language use and to somewhat lesser degree also the vexillological expression and they enable construction of formal syntax, suitable for use in constructed formal languages, as otherwise mostly used for programming languages syntax in computer sciences. In construction of the formal syntax, the existing terminology from the Croatian heraldic and vexillological literature was used, while when necessary some new terms and concepts were introduced, such as the composition of arms, the base, figures of saints, modifying and combining attributes prior and after a charge.

Since the city and community flag descriptions show a considerable level of consistency, an analysis of it was presented. The descriptions of the Ministry approvals, as primary sources collected for this research, are published here in the attachment for the first time.

Keywords: heraldry, vexillology, coat of arms, flag, blazon, vexillological flag description, syntax, formal language, municipal heraldry, county arms, city arms, community arms

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