Flags of the World http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags

Media on Heimer’s Election for the FIAV President

@FIAV.org: For the first time in twenty years, today the FIAV Board changed. (left to right, Charles Spain, outgoing Secretary-General; Graham Bartram, continuing Secretary-General for Congresses; Michel Lupant, outgoing President; Željko Heimer, incoming President; and Bruce Berry, outgoing Secretary-General)

The General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological associations (FIAV) held its session during the 28th International congress of Vexillology (28ICV), held from 15 to 20 July 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, US, electing its new FIAV Board. The Assembly elected the HGZD president, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer, LF, FF, for the FIAV […]

Heimer Elected FIAV President

28ICV San Antonio 2019

The General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological associations (FIAV) held its session during the 28th International congress of Vexillolgy, held from 15 to 20 July 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, US. The Assembly elected the HGZD president, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer for the new FIAV president, the sixth since its establishment n […]

Participation at the 28 International Congress of Vexillology San Antonio, Texas, USA

The HGZD President Željko Heimer participated at the 28th International Congress of Vexillology HEMISFLAG: 28ICV held in San Antonio, Texas, USA from 14 to 20 July 2019. The majority of the Congress program was held in the oldest hotel in San Antonio, the Saint Anthony Hotel. It was organized by the Vexillological Association of teh […]

A Review of Heraldic and Vexillological Periodicals Published

We published a review of journals, magazines, newsletters, bulletins, and other periodicals of heraldry, vexillolgy, and related fields. The review is starting with 150 periodicals issued world-wide, providing with the title and sub-title, and if necessary the English translation, the data on the publisher, language(s) in which the journal is published, the year of the […]

»Grb i zastava« № 19 Issued

With the spring issue of 2016 our journal »Grb i zastava« enters its volume 10. The number 19 was just sent to the printers and our members may expiect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: … this issue of GiZ […]

Participating in 25th International Congress of Vexillology, Rotterdam, 4-10.8.2013

The 25th International Congress of Vexillology (25ICV) was held from 4 until 10 August 2013 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Željko Heimer participated for HGZD. In the academic program he held the paper “Croatian Municipal Ceremonial Flags“, and he took part in the work of the General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV), […]

24th International Congress of Vexillology, Washington, D.C., 2011

We participated in the 24th International Congress of Vexillology, organized by the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA) and the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association (CFA), 1-5 August 2011, in Alexandria, VA in the Washington, D.C. area. During the Congress, the Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques (FIAV) held the 22nd Session of its General Assembly. The main […]

23rd International Congress of Vexillology, Yokohama, Japan, 2009

The 23rd International Congress of Vexillology was held in Yokohama, Japan from 12 to 18 July 2009. Željko Heimer participated the Congress as the HGZD delegate. The vexillological congresses are held biannually by the International Federation of Vexillologic Organizations (FIAV), of which HGZD is a member since the previous Congress in Berlin 2007. The hosts […]

HGZD Attends the FlagBerlin 2007

22nd International Congress of Vexillology FlagBerlin 2007 is held on 6th through 10th August 2007 in the Belin Arsenal (Zeughaus) which is hosting the German Historical Museum (Deutsches Historisches Museum, DHM). The vexillological congresses are biannually organized by the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV) and the host for this Congress are the DHM and […]