Edited and prepared by Prof. emer. dr. h. c. Mirjana Matijević Sokol and associate professor Dr. Tomislav Galović, Croatian Heraldic Heritage I. – Selected Topics, is a historiographically relevant and well-structured selection of texts on Croatian heraldic heritage created by the work of sixteen authors. The work covers 362 pages and is equipped with an […]
Tag: municipal coat of arms
»Grb i zastava« № 34 Issued
The № 34 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVII, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: Dear Reader, An editor is considered lucky if the hardest task he has is to write the editorial. […]
Ćus Rukonić Book Promotion in Rijeka
After the presentation in Cres and Mali Lošinj last month, Jasminka Ćus Rukonić’s monograph “heraldic Heritage of the Cres-Lošinj Islands” was presented in Rijeka on 6 July 2023. The presentation was held in the beautiful Marble Hall, the so-called The Governor’s Palace, or the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral, Rijeka. At the […]
Željko Heimer’s book presented in Zagreb: ‘The Rijeka tricolor becomes an integral part of the Croatian identity’
(Translated from https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/rijeka/nova-knjiga-dr-sc-zeljka-heimera-u-monografiji-iznio-argumente-o-povijesnoj-rijeckoj-trobojnici/ dš, 18 November 2022, Rijeka danas, Rijeka.) In the seat of the Brotherhood of the Croatian Dragon Society in Tower above the Stone Gates in Zagreb, a book by Lt-Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer FLAGS OF RIJEKA – A MONOGRAPH OF TWO CENTURIES OF THE CITY’S STRUGGLE FOR THE RIGHT TO ITS FLAG […]
Prof. Galović Held a Lecture on Heraldry in the Krško City Museum
The Krško City Museum (Mestni muzej Krško) in cooperation with the Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti) organized on October 18, 2022, a lecture by Associate Professor Dr. Tomislav Galović entitled Central European Heraldic Heritage (on the example of Croatia and Slovenia) [Srednjeevropska […]
New book by Dr. Heimer: In his monograph, he presented arguments about the historical Rijeka tricolor
(Translated from https://www.novilist.hr/rijeka-regija/rijeka/nova-knjiga-dr-sc-zeljka-heimera-u-monografiji-iznio-argumente-o-povijesnoj-rijeckoj-trobojnici/ author Jakov Kršovnik, September 2, 2022, Novi list, Rijeka, photos by Ana Križanec) The historical flag today is not the official flag of the City, but the ceremonial flag of the City of Rijeka: a tricolor of horizontal stripes of dark carmine, golden yellow and ultramarin I think that this unique Rijeka […]
Lecture on Norwegian Flags, 28. 6. 2022.
The 18th lecture in the “Flags – Identity of Peoples and Countries” cycle was held in the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies (KHDP) as the 1603 KHDP tribune event. The cycle is held under the auspices of the president of Republic Zoran Milanović, and it is continued with this even after a longer break due […]
»Grb i zastava« № 27 Issued
We proudly announce that, in spite of all misfortunes happening in this 2020, the new booklet of our journal »Grb i zastava«, number 27 in its Volume XIV, at 36 pages, was issued from the printing press these days. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International. publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: In […]
A Book on Macedonian Symbols Published in USA
The book on Macedonian symbols by our member and president of the Macedonian Heraldic Society, Jovan Jonovski, was issued in English in USA by the Flag Heritage Foundation (FHF). It is an adaptation of his doctoral dissertation defended at the University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Skopje in 2018 and published in Macedonian in […]
Heimer Visited MGD and Presented its FIAV Membership Charter, 8.10.2019
FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President visited Skopje on 6–9 October 2019 as a guestof the Macedonian Heraldic Society (MGD), being its proud honorary member. On 8 October 2019 in the name of FIAV he presented to MGD president Jovan Jonovski a charter confirming the MGD membership to FIAV. MGD was admitted […]