Category: Meetings

Professional Visit of the Heraldica Slovenica Society to Zagreb

On Saturday, 9 November 2024 a joint, full-day professional meeting of the Society Heraldica Slovenica (HS) and Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD) was co-organized with the Society of Brothers of Croatian Dragon (DBHZ) on the premises of DBHZ headquarters in the Tower over the Stone Gates in Zagreb. Truly impressive and historic, this heraldically […]

Recognition of the Czech Vexillology Society (ČVS) to Heimer

The President of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations FIAV and the President of the HGZD, Željko Heimer, addressed the participants of the 8th Czech National Vexillological Congress (8. ČNVK) held in Prostějov in Moravia, from 4 to 6 October 2024, via video link, with an introductory speech. At the annual assembly held during the […]

During the 30th International Vexillology Congress held from 10 to 20 August 2024 in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China, the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association received a new flag made of high-quality digital printed material, equipped with gold fringes, as a gift from the Vexillological Research Center of China (VRCC). This richly crafted flag […]

30th International Congress of Vexillology (30ICV), Beijing, PR China, 10-20 August 2024

The 30th International Congress of Vexillology, held in Beijing on 10-20 August 2024, was organized by the Vexillological Research Center of China (VRCC), a FIAV member since 2019. As our readers probably know, these congresses are the height of organized vexillological activity and have been held since 1965 every other year. After ICV 28 San […]

Croatian and Swedish flags – on the occasion of Croatian Flag Day on June 5th and Swedish Flag Day on June 6th

In the dome of the Zagreb City Library on Starčević Square in Zagreb, organized by the Croatian-Swedish Society and the Libraries of the City of Zagreb, a lecture by Željko Heimer was held on the occasion of Croatian Flag Day on June 5 and Swedish Flag Day on June 6. The lecture compared the historical […]

Lecture on “Croatian flags from the Thirty Years’ War”

On May 21, 2024, the President of the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association Željko Heimer, held a lecture on “Croatian flags from the Thirty Years’ War – in the Swedish Military Museum in Stockholm” in cooperation with the Croatian-Swedish Society, at the premises of the Croatian Nobility Association, Teslina ul. 13/1, Zagreb. Lecture summary Croatian […]

Philatelic Exhibition at UFRI, Rijeka, 6 – 20 October 2023

The Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Rijeka (UFRI), the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD) and the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon (DBHZ) organized the Philatelic Exhibition “Postal Stamps of the Republic of Croatia with Statehood Motifs”, October 6 – 20, 2023 , in the UFRI lobby (Sveučilišna avenija 6, […]