Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb/Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu https://www.ffzg.unizg.hr

»Grb i zastava« № 36 Issued

The № 36 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVIII, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: It is a subjective feeling of mine that a long time has passed since the previous issue of […]

»Grb i zastava« № 35 Issued

The № 35 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVIII, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: I’ll start right away without any false modesty with the joy that the two books I’ve been working […]

Review of Heimer’s Monograph on Israeli Flags in »Radovi ZHP FFZG«

Radovi ZHP FFZG 52-2 (2020)

The latest issue of the interdisciplinary scientific journal that publishes scientific and professional articles in the field of historical and related humanities, Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Journal of the Institute of Croatian History) in the issue 2 Vol 52 for December 2020 published a review of Željko Heimer’s monograph […]

Monograph by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić: »Croatian Coats of Arms – Genesis, Symbolism, History«

Mate Božić i Stjepan Ćosić: »Hrvatski grbovi - geneza, simbolika, povijest«

In the end of this February the newest monograph on Croatian historical land, national, and current sate heraldic symbols was issued. It is a richly illustrated work entitled “CROATIAN COATS OF ARMS Genesys – Symbolism – History”, co-authored by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić. Extensive summaries in English and German were translated by Željko Heimer, […]

HGZD co-Published Monograph by Ana Marija Ambrušec: »Heraldic Heritage of Križevci and Kalnik Region«

Ana Marija Ambrušec »Heraldička baština križevačko-kalničkog područja«, Meleagrina i HGZD, Zagreb, 2019.

Together with the design company Meleagrina from Vrboce, HGZD published a valuable monograph by the young historian Ana Marija Ambrušec, titled »Heraldička baština križevačko-kalničkog područja« (Heraldic Heritage of Križevci and Kalnik Region). Her book developed from her graduate thesis fdefended at the History Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University […]

Young Heraldist Gets the AIH Sponsorship for the Congress in France

Our young member, recently graduated historian Marko Radeljić was awarded the sponsorship of the International Academy of Heraldry (Academie internationale d’heraldique, AIH)for participation of young researchers at the 33rd International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences (33ICGHS), 2 – 5 October 2018 in Arras, France. After the success of the AIH sponsorship introduced for the […]

Heraldic Lectures in Split within Kliofest 2018

Kliofest 2018.

The fifth national history festival Kliofest 2018, is held in Zagreb 8-11 May 2018 in the National and University Library and on several other locations throughout the city  with the goal to popularize history sciences. The festival will include a doze of panels, a doctoral conference, a studen workshop, numerous project and book presentations, lectures […]

24th HGZD Tribune, 6.2.2018 – Mislav Barić »Theresian Flags in the Croatian History Museum«

24. tribina, Mislav Barić

The twentyfourth HGZD Tribune was held in the Bgdan Ogrizović Library, Zagreb, 5 Preradovićeva st., on 6 February 2018. Mislav Barić, custodian of the Flag and Streamers Collection of the Croatian History Museum (HPM) gave us a lecture entitled “Theresian Flags in the Croatian Mistory Museum” presenting an interesting and valuable part of the largest […]

The Flag Heritage Foundation issued »Vexillology as a Social Science« by Željko Heimer

Heimer: »Vexillology as a Social Science«, Flag Heritage Foundation, Danvers, MA, 2017.

The sixth publication in The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series, titled Vexillology as a Social Science, was issued in April. It is the English adaptation of the major part of the doctoral thesis by Željko Heimer, defended at the Postgraduate Doctoral Studies of Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of […]

New book Željko Heimer: »Exploring Vexillology through Military Unit Flags«, HGZD, Zagreb, 2016.

Heimer: Exploring Vexillology through Military Unit Flags, HGZD, Zagreb, 2016.

The English edition of the doctoral thesis by Željko Heimer was issued under the title “Exploring Vexillology through Military Unit Flags” published by HGZD and distributed though the American publishing house Lulu specialized for the print-on-demand. The issue was edited by Edward B. Kay, under whose guidance the book represents a real gem in any […]