Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo/Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association

During the 30th International Vexillology Congress held from 10 to 20 August 2024 in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China, the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association received a new flag made of high-quality digital printed material, equipped with gold fringes, as a gift from the Vexillological Research Center of China (VRCC). This richly crafted flag […]

World Vexillology Day and the 15th HGZD Anniversary Marked During the 6th Congress of Croatian Historians in Rijeka

6. kongres hrvatskih povjesničara Rijeka 1.10.2021.

The World Vexillology Day on 1 October and the 15th Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Assocation (HGZD) Anniversary (2006 – 2021) were marked during the 6th Congress of Croatian Historians in Rijeka between 29 November and 2 october 2021 with the overall topic “Culture”, during the section “Auxilary History Sciences and Source research Practices”. The section moderators […]

15 Years of HGZD

The Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Society (HGZD), established on 4 May 2006, is celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2021. In fifteen years, the Society has published 29 volumes of the Grb i zastava journal; it published or co-published three monographs and proceedings; co-organized two scientific conferences; held about a hundred public lectures at the HGZD […]

HGZD co-Published Monograph by Ana Marija Ambrušec: »Heraldic Heritage of Križevci and Kalnik Region«

Ana Marija Ambrušec »Heraldička baština križevačko-kalničkog područja«, Meleagrina i HGZD, Zagreb, 2019.

Together with the design company Meleagrina from Vrboce, HGZD published a valuable monograph by the young historian Ana Marija Ambrušec, titled »Heraldička baština križevačko-kalničkog područja« (Heraldic Heritage of Križevci and Kalnik Region). Her book developed from her graduate thesis fdefended at the History Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University […]

Heimer Visited MGD and Presented its FIAV Membership Charter, 8.10.2019

Predsjednik FIAV-a i HGZD-a Heimer i predsjednik MGD Jonovski, Skopje, 8.10.2019.

FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President visited Skopje on 6–9 October 2019 as a guestof the Macedonian Heraldic Society (MGD), being its proud honorary member. On 8 October 2019 in the name of FIAV he presented to MGD president Jovan Jonovski a charter confirming the MGD membership to FIAV. MGD was admitted […]

Heimer gave lecture at the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia, 7.10.2019

Heimer u Židovskoj zajednici u Republici Makedoniji, 7.10.2019.

During his visit to the Macedonian Heraldic Society, FIAV (international Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President Heimer held a lecture “National Symbols of Jewish People and the State of Istrael” on 7 Ictober 2019 inthe newly renovated lecture hall of the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia.

Lecture by Heimer at the Skopje University, 7.10.2019

Predavanje 7.10.2019., Skopje

The FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and the HGZD President visited Skopje on 6-9 October 2019, where he was a guest of the Macedonian Heraldic Society, being its proud honorary member. In the course of his visit he held a lecture “Symbols as attributes of states: with examples from the contemporary use of flag […]

Media on Heimer’s Election for the FIAV President

@FIAV.org: For the first time in twenty years, today the FIAV Board changed. (left to right, Charles Spain, outgoing Secretary-General; Graham Bartram, continuing Secretary-General for Congresses; Michel Lupant, outgoing President; Željko Heimer, incoming President; and Bruce Berry, outgoing Secretary-General)

The General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological associations (FIAV) held its session during the 28th International congress of Vexillology (28ICV), held from 15 to 20 July 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, US, electing its new FIAV Board. The Assembly elected the HGZD president, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer, LF, FF, for the FIAV […]

Heimer Elected FIAV President

28ICV San Antonio 2019

The General Assembly of the International Federation of Vexillological associations (FIAV) held its session during the 28th International congress of Vexillolgy, held from 15 to 20 July 2019 in San Antonio, Texas, US. The Assembly elected the HGZD president, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer for the new FIAV president, the sixth since its establishment n […]

Participation at the 28 International Congress of Vexillology San Antonio, Texas, USA

The HGZD President Željko Heimer participated at the 28th International Congress of Vexillology HEMISFLAG: 28ICV held in San Antonio, Texas, USA from 14 to 20 July 2019. The majority of the Congress program was held in the oldest hotel in San Antonio, the Saint Anthony Hotel. It was organized by the Vexillological Association of teh […]