FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President visited Skopje on 6–9 October 2019 as a guestof the Macedonian Heraldic Society (MGD), being its proud honorary member. On 8 October 2019 in the name of FIAV he presented to MGD president Jovan Jonovski a charter confirming the MGD membership to FIAV. MGD was admitted […]
Tag: MHZ
Македонско Хералдичко Здружение (Makedonsko Heraldičko Združenie)/Macedonian Heraldry Society (MHZ)
Od 2018. Makedonsko grboslovno društvo (vidi MGD )
Heimer gave lecture at the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia, 7.10.2019
During his visit to the Macedonian Heraldic Society, FIAV (international Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President Heimer held a lecture “National Symbols of Jewish People and the State of Istrael” on 7 Ictober 2019 inthe newly renovated lecture hall of the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia.
Lecture by Heimer at the Skopje University, 7.10.2019
The FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and the HGZD President visited Skopje on 6-9 October 2019, where he was a guest of the Macedonian Heraldic Society, being its proud honorary member. In the course of his visit he held a lecture “Symbols as attributes of states: with examples from the contemporary use of flag […]
Participation at the 28 International Congress of Vexillology San Antonio, Texas, USA
The HGZD President Željko Heimer participated at the 28th International Congress of Vexillology HEMISFLAG: 28ICV held in San Antonio, Texas, USA from 14 to 20 July 2019. The majority of the Congress program was held in the oldest hotel in San Antonio, the Saint Anthony Hotel. It was organized by the Vexillological Association of teh […]
Lecture by J. Jonovski: Macedonian National Symbols, 23.10.2015.
Marking the Day of Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle, 23 October, we hosted in Zagreb Mr. Jovan Jonovski, our Macedonian colleague and friend, president of the Macedonian Herladic Society, editor of the Macedonian Herald bulletin, and the author of the book Simvolite na Makedonija, issued those same days in Skopje. Mr. Jonovski gave lecture in organization of […]
11th HGZD Tribune, 27.9.2011 – Jovan Jonovski, Macedonia
Our eleventh Tribune was held on Tuesday, 27th September 2011. at 18:30 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG), 44 Preradovićeva street. In cooperation with the Croatian-Macedonian Society (HMD), we dedicated the Tribune to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore we had pleasure to start the […]
Lecture by Josip Kolanović in the Croatian History Museum, 3.4.2008
Prof. Josip Kolanović, member of the State commission for approval of the municipal coats of arms and flags,and former director of the Croatian State Archives, held for us an interesting lecture on the development of legislation and process of adoption of county, city and community coats of arms in Croatia. In the hall of the […]
New Issue of the »Macedonian Herald«
Macedonian Heraldic Association (MHZ) issued a new number of its bulletin the »Makedonski Herald« (Македонски Хералд | Macedonian Herald). This is the second number of the bulletin, issued after a longer break of two years. Such a long break was surely not due to the lack of activity or materials, as this number clearly shows. On […]