The World Vexillology Day on 1 October and the 15th Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Assocation (HGZD) Anniversary (2006 – 2021) were marked during the 6th Congress of Croatian Historians in Rijeka between 29 November and 2 october 2021 with the overall topic “Culture”, during the section “Auxilary History Sciences and Source research Practices”. The section moderators […]
Tag: Croatian President
Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske
»Croatian flag through history«in the »Večernji list« special issue on the occasion of 30 years of Croatian independence
In its weekly edition of March 28, 2021, the Croatian daily Večernji list published a special article entitled “Croatia – 30 Years of Independence”, which, along with forty other interesting articles and conversations about this key moment in Croatian history on 154 pages, also contains the text “Symbol of Identity: Croatian Flag through the History” […]
17th Lecture on Flags in the KHDP cycles – On the Occasion of the Centenary of the Czech Flag, 23.06.2020
The Croatian-Czech Society, the Czech Beseda Zagreb, the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies and the Croatian Heraldry and Flag Society marked the 100th anniversary of the Czech flag on Tuesday, June 23, at the Czech National House in Zagreb with a lecture given by Lietenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer, President of the Croatian Heraldry and […]
16th Lecture of World Flags for KHDP – Ukraine, 27.02.2020
The Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies (KHDP) Tribune held on 27 February held the 16th lecture on national flags presented by Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Željko Heimer.After two annual cycles under the title “Flags of European and World Countries”, held under the auspices of the President of Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Kolinda Grabar Kitarović,when 13 national […]
15th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Spain, 16.01.2020
The lecture cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies, under auspices of President of the Republic kolinda Grabar Kitarović, continued with its 15th lecture titled »Spanish Flags«, given by the HGZD president Heimer in the auditorium of the Coordination on 16 January 2020. After the lecture the […]
14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019
The lecture cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies, under auspices of President of the Republic kolinda Grabar Kitarović, continued with its 14th lecture titled »Flags of Iran«, given by the HGZD president Heimer in the auditorium of the Coordination on 15 October 2019. After the lecture […]
13th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« in Rijeka – Russia, 11.9.2019
The 13th lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« was held in Rijeka, organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies and the Croatian-Russian Friendship Society Rijeka, in the Assembly Hall of the City of Rijeka at the Corso, as a cultural program preceding the General Assembly of the Croatian-Russian Friendship Society […]
12th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Great Britain, 7.9.2019
A new season in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies, under auspices of President of the Republic, started with its 12th lecture titled »British Flags«, given by the HGZD president Heimer in the auditorium of the Coordination on 9 September 2019.
11th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Poland, 20.5.2019
The 11th lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies and the Croatian-Polish Friendship Society, under auspices of President of the Republic, titled »Polish Flags« was given by the HGZD president Heimer in the auditorium of the Coordination on 20 May 2019.
10th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Russia, Sisak, 16.3.2019
The 10th lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies, under auspices of President of the Republic, titled »The Flags of Kazakhstan« was held in Sisak, at the invitation of the Croatian-Russian Friendship Society Sisak (CRFSS), where Heimer repeated his lecture on Russian flags held […]