Tag: national coat of arms

»Grb i zastava« № 29 Issued

Grb i zastava, broj 29

The № 29 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XV, soon to be posted to abonoments addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: A totally unbelievable year has passed, and we are still trapped by a global pandemic. We are somewhat […]

Poster Exhibition in RIjeka “Croatian Coat of Arms and Flag Through the History”

Izložba 'Hrvatski grb i zastava kroz povijest', MO Pećine, Rijeka, 28.5. - 28.6.2021.

The poster exhibition “Croatian Coat of Arms and Flag Through the History” was opened on 28 May 2021 on the occasion of the Statehood Day 30 May and the Croatian Flag Day 5 June in the Pećine Local Council in Rijeka. The exhibition author is president of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV) and […]

»Croatian flag through history«in the »Večernji list« special issue on the occasion of 30 years of Croatian independence

Večernji list Specijal 28. ožujka 2021.

In its weekly edition of March 28, 2021, the Croatian daily Večernji list published a special article entitled “Croatia – 30 Years of Independence”, which, along with forty other interesting articles and conversations about this key moment in Croatian history on 154 pages, also contains the text “Symbol of Identity: Croatian Flag through the History” […]

Monograph by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić: »Croatian Coats of Arms – Genesis, Symbolism, History«

Mate Božić i Stjepan Ćosić: »Hrvatski grbovi - geneza, simbolika, povijest«

In the end of this February the newest monograph on Croatian historical land, national, and current sate heraldic symbols was issued. It is a richly illustrated work entitled “CROATIAN COATS OF ARMS Genesys – Symbolism – History”, co-authored by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić. Extensive summaries in English and German were translated by Željko Heimer, […]

President Heimer Explains Belarus Flags for HRT

Croatian national broadcasting company HRT published on its news portal on August 23, 2020 an article about flags that appear in connection with recent events in Belarus, which we transfer here translated https://vijesti.hrt.hr/646215/zasto-bjeloruski-prosvjednici-koriste-bijelo-crveno-bijelu-zastavu-umjesto-sluzbene Why are Belarusian protesters using a white-red-white flag instead of the official one? A frequent sight in the current protests in Belarus […]

Heimer Visited MGD and Presented its FIAV Membership Charter, 8.10.2019

Predsjednik FIAV-a i HGZD-a Heimer i predsjednik MGD Jonovski, Skopje, 8.10.2019.

FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President visited Skopje on 6–9 October 2019 as a guestof the Macedonian Heraldic Society (MGD), being its proud honorary member. On 8 October 2019 in the name of FIAV he presented to MGD president Jovan Jonovski a charter confirming the MGD membership to FIAV. MGD was admitted […]

Heimer gave lecture at the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia, 7.10.2019

Heimer u Židovskoj zajednici u Republici Makedoniji, 7.10.2019.

During his visit to the Macedonian Heraldic Society, FIAV (international Federation of Vexillological Associations) and HGZD President Heimer held a lecture “National Symbols of Jewish People and the State of Istrael” on 7 Ictober 2019 inthe newly renovated lecture hall of the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia.

Lecture by Heimer at the Skopje University, 7.10.2019

Predavanje 7.10.2019., Skopje

The FIAV (International Federation of Vexillological Associations) and the HGZD President visited Skopje on 6-9 October 2019, where he was a guest of the Macedonian Heraldic Society, being its proud honorary member. In the course of his visit he held a lecture “Symbols as attributes of states: with examples from the contemporary use of flag […]

Heraldic Exhibition by Zvonimir Gerber in Karlovac, June – October 2019

Izložba Zvonimira Gerbera "Habsburški korijeni...", Karlovac, 28. lipnja 2019.

The exhibition “Habsburški korijeni šahiranoga polja karlovačkog grba” (Habsburg roots of the chueqy field of the Karlovac coat of arms) by Zvonimir Gerber, was set in the castle Dubovac  in Karlovac, opened on 28 June 2019.The exhibition was made part of the Starry Summer 2019 festival marking the 440 anniversary of the City of Karovac. […]

The column »Clipeus Croatorum« by Mate Božić at the »Dalmatinski portal«

Mate Božić: »Clipeus Croatorum«

Our coleague from Solin, Mate Božić writes for »Dalmatinski portal« (Dalmatian Portal) occasional colum under the title Clipeus Croatorum (Latin for “the shield of Croats”, after the nickname of duke Mladen III Šubića Bribirski – Croatorum clipeus fortis: “curageous shield of Croats”). In the column he writes in popular way on the origins of country […]