Tag: Slavonia

Monograph by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić: »Croatian Coats of Arms – Genesis, Symbolism, History«

Mate Božić i Stjepan Ćosić: »Hrvatski grbovi - geneza, simbolika, povijest«

In the end of this February the newest monograph on Croatian historical land, national, and current sate heraldic symbols was issued. It is a richly illustrated work entitled “CROATIAN COATS OF ARMS Genesys – Symbolism – History”, co-authored by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić. Extensive summaries in English and German were translated by Željko Heimer, […]

The column »Clipeus Croatorum« by Mate Božić at the »Dalmatinski portal«

Mate Božić: »Clipeus Croatorum«

Our coleague from Solin, Mate Božić writes for »Dalmatinski portal« (Dalmatian Portal) occasional colum under the title Clipeus Croatorum (Latin for “the shield of Croats”, after the nickname of duke Mladen III Šubića Bribirski – Croatorum clipeus fortis: “curageous shield of Croats”). In the column he writes in popular way on the origins of country […]

25th HGZD Tribune, 18.6.2018 – Mate Božić »The Oldest Croatian Land Arms«

The Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association held its 25th Tribune on Monday 18 June 2018 in the Bogdan ogrizović Library in Zagreb, when Mate Božić gave lecture titled »The Oldest Croatian Land Arms«. The lecture was based on the paper written by Mate Božić and Stjepan Ćosić “Nastanak hrvatskih grbova: Podrijetlo, povijest i simbolika od 13. […]

»Grb i zastava« № 18 Issued

This year’s fall issue of our magazine »Grb i zastava« was just printed and our members may expect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the contents we highlight: An exceptionally interesting presentation on the flag collection of the Museum of Slavonia, divided it […]

»Grb i zastava« № 11 Issued

The spring issue of our magazine “Grb i zastava” was printed these days, after a minor delay from planned, and our members may expect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the Editorial we highlight: As we enter HGZD’s seventh year, we present to […]

16th HGZD Tribune, 19.6.2012 – Tomislav Galović

Our 16th Tribune was held on 19th June 2012 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Association (DZKG). Dr. Tomislav Galović, senior assistant professor from the Croatian History Institute of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb, held the lecture titled “Croatian Heraldic Collections” presenting the wealth of the […]

Article by Matea Brstilo Rešetar in »Vijenac«

The respectable journal for culture, art and science »Vijenac« issued by the Matrix Croatica (Matica hrvatska), in its number 385 of December 4th, 2008, includes an article by Matea Brstilo Rešetar in its science section titled »Svjedočanstva ratova s Turcima« (Testimonies of the Wars against the Turks). The article explains the basics of the research on […]