Tag: award

11th HGZD Tribune, 27.9.2011 – Jovan Jonovski, Macedonia

Our eleventh Tribune was held on Tuesday, 27th September 2011. at 18:30 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG), 44 Preradovićeva street. In cooperation with the Croatian-Macedonian Society (HMD), we dedicated the Tribune to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore we had pleasure to start the […]

24th International Congress of Vexillology, Washington, D.C., 2011

We participated in the 24th International Congress of Vexillology, organized by the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA) and the Chesapeake Bay Flag Association (CFA), 1-5 August 2011, in Alexandria, VA in the Washington, D.C. area. During the Congress, the Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques (FIAV) held the 22nd Session of its General Assembly. The main […]

President of the Republic of Croatia awarded the HGZD President

The President of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović, on the occasion of the Independence Day, on 5 October 2010, awarded the HGZD President mr. sc. Željko Heimer with the Order of the Croatian Wattle for exceptional contribution to development and reputation of the Republic of Croatia and the well-being of its citizens, […]

Lecture by Josip Kolanović in the Croatian History Museum, 3.4.2008

Prof. Josip Kolanović, member of the State commission for approval of the municipal coats of arms and flags,and former director of the Croatian State Archives, held for us an interesting lecture on the development of legislation and process of adoption of county, city and community coats of arms in Croatia. In the hall of the […]