While we write this, the latest issue of our magazine »Grb i zastava« is being printed and our members may expect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the contents we highlight: On the front page, the recently restored flag of the city of Korpivnica. […]
Tag: Josipović
Ivo Josipović
»Vexillology« Column in »Hrvatski vojnik« (3), 2014
Following the series of 44 installments of the »Veksilologija« (Vexillology) column in 2012 i 2013 godini, Željko Heimer continued to write for the Ministry of Defence magazine in 2014 as well, with 26 new articles in the issues № 438 through 463. The articles are available in the »Hrvatski vojnik« on-line archives, i.e. directly at […]
President Josipović at Scientific Symposium »Symbol, Identity and the Homeland War«, 31.10.2014.
President of the Republic Ivo Josipović attended, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies (FFZG) of the University of Zagreb, the opening of the scientific symposium “Symbol, Identity and the Homeland War”, organized by the Sociology Department of the FFZG and the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD).
»Grb i zastava« № 8 Issued
President of the Republic of Croatia awarded the HGZD President
The President of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović, on the occasion of the Independence Day, on 5 October 2010, awarded the HGZD President mr. sc. Željko Heimer with the Order of the Croatian Wattle for exceptional contribution to development and reputation of the Republic of Croatia and the well-being of its citizens, […]