New issue № 15 of the Macedonian Herald, the gazette of the Macedonian Heraldic Society (MGD), presents four peer-reviewed scholar papers, including an interesting overview by Heimer of the contemporary Croatian municipal heraldry and the role of the Heraldic Commission. It also presents papers on wedding flags, military insignia of the red star in Macedonia […]
Tag: Heraldic Commission
Commission for approval of coats of arms and flags of units of local self-government, Ministry of Administration
»Grb i zastava« № 24 Issued
The number 24 of our bulletin »Grb i zastava« is issued in its 12th volume with 36 pages. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International. publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy: The fact that we had to expand our Chronology from the back cover, where it has been located in previous numbers, to yet another […]
New Book Heimer: »Syntax of the modern Croatian heraldic blazons and vexillological flag descriptions«, Redak, Split, 2016
Title: Sintaksa suvremenog hrvatskog heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava (In English: Syntax of the modern Croatian heraldic blazons and vexillological flag descriptions) Subtitle: Analiza službenih opisa grbova i zastava suvremenih jedinica lokalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj kao temelj za izgradnju i formalizaciju sintaksnih pravila heraldičkog blazona grba i veksilološkog opisa zastava (In English: […]
Lecture by Josip Kolanović in the Croatian History Museum, 3.4.2008
Prof. Josip Kolanović, member of the State commission for approval of the municipal coats of arms and flags,and former director of the Croatian State Archives, held for us an interesting lecture on the development of legislation and process of adoption of county, city and community coats of arms in Croatia. In the hall of the […]