Our eleventh Tribune was held on Tuesday, 27th September 2011. at 18:30 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG), 44 Preradovićeva street. In cooperation with the Croatian-Macedonian Society (HMD), we dedicated the Tribune to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore we had pleasure to start the even with impressive vocal programme of the quire Ezerki of HMD.
We had the honour of hosting the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in the Republic of Croatian, H.E. Mr. Dančo Markovski and the General Secretary of the Coordination of the Croatian Friendship Associations, Mr. Andrija Karafilipović.
We had a distinct pleasure of hearing the lecture by our Macedonian colleague, Mr. Jovan Jonovski, in front of the completely filled DZKG hall, titled »Macedonian Heraldry from Alexander the Great till today«.
The highlight of the lecture was on the Macedonian heraldry, especially regarding the attributed arms of the Alexander of Macedon and the arms of the King of macedonia from variosu European armorials since 13th century. The traditional land arms of Macedonia from the so called Illyrian armorials was also reviewed: gules a lion rampant furchee or. The history of the modern Macedonian coat of arms was also shown as well as some exclusive materials from the adoption process of the independent Macedonia arms.
Mr. Jonovski is the president and the herald of the Macedonian Herladic Association(MHZ), and a member of the Académie Internationale d’Héraldique and the presidential Commission for Awards. He is the author of the permanent exhibition “Macedonian Heraldry” in the Museum of Macedonia in Skopje. As a HGZD member, he is frequently participating in our activities as well.
Mr. Jonovski used this opportunity to hand to the HGZD president, Mr. Heimer, the charter on the honorary membership in the MHZ.