During the 30th International Vexillology Congress held from 10 to 20 August 2024 in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China, the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association received a new flag made of high-quality digital printed material, equipped with gold fringes, as a gift from the Vexillological Research Center of China (VRCC). This richly crafted flag will replace the HGZD flag after 18 years, modestly made immediately after the association was founded in 2006. The flag was received by the president of the HGZD from the president of the VRCC, Zhao XinFeng, and presented to the members of our association at the first subsequent meeting held in Zagreb – at a lecture by Dr. Art. Nazor Čorda on 18 September 2024. Thanks to our Chinese friends and may it serve us long and honorably!