Naša član dr. Jovan Jonovski, predsjednik Makedonskog grboslovnog društva iz Skopja, gost je urednik posebnog broja znanstvenog časopisa "Genealogy" s temom "Heraldika u Jugoistočnoj Europi" te nam je poslao poziv za sudjelovanje slanjem znanstvenog rada, koji s veseljem prosljeđujemo u izvorniku.
Predsjednik HGZD-a
dr. sc. Željko Heimer
I write to invite you to submit an article for a special issue on "Heraldry in South Eastern Europe" for the journal Genealogy. The journal publishes articles on family history, heraldry research and, though a relatively new publication, has a strong academic record. It is also open access and so has a large readership.
This is a journal that provides free access to all readers. For authors without funding who contribute an article to this Special Issue and who have concerns about the one-time article processing charge (APC), the journal may consider waiving the fee on a case-by-case basis.
I am the guest editor for this issue and would love to have your participation. Your work is a good fit for the topic.
The article should be between 5,000-7,000 words and follow the guidelines of the journal. (We will forward the guidelines and template when your abstract is accepted.) The guidelines and CFP can also be found on the journal website.
The submission deadline is 5th December 2021. An abstract of 250 words about the topic you have selected should be emailed to me or the editorial office, at (; or (
The article should be uploaded to the journal webpage and will then be sent to reviewers. The journal mandates two outside reviewers for all submissions. Publication is normally 6-8 weeks after the final draft submission.
Author Benefits in Genealogy:
1. *Open Access* (unlimited and free access for readers).
2. *High Visibility* is provided by citations available in the ESCI-Web of Science, as well as DOAJ, and other databases.
3. *Fast Publication* combined with a thorough peer review process.
Dr. Jovan Jonovski
Dr. Bruce Durie
Guest Editors