Heraldički i veksilološki časopisi

Pregled časopisa, magazina, glasila, biltena i druge periodike heraldike, veksilologije i srodnih područja.

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Pregled je izrađen koristeći knjižnicu i arhiv HGZD-a, bibliografiju udruge Flags of the World http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/bib_main.html te kataloge nacionalnih knjižnica i druge relevantne izvore. Dio, osobito heraldičkih, časopisa još nije uvršten u popis.

Podaci o godišnjoj frekvenciji, broju stranica i formatu su informativni – kod većine časopisa ovi se podaci razlikuju od broja do broja ili kroz više godišta.

Prva objava 8.7.2017. s 150 natuknica.
Ažurirano 9.7.2017. sadrži 151 natuknicu.
Ažurirano 29.10.2017. sadrži 155 natuknica.
Ažurirano 1.12.2021. sadrži 221 natuknicu.
Ažurirano 16.6.2022. sadrži 229 natuknica.

Title: „Adler“, Zeitschrift für Genealogie und Heraldik
(in English: „Eagle“, Periodical of Genealogy and Heraldry)
Publisher: Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft “Adler”
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1939 (active)
Annual frequency: 8
Web presence: Index of papers, since 2001 http://www.adler-wien.at/index.php/de/articles/15-publication/periodical-adler
ISSN: 0001-8260
FOTW bib: [adl]
Pages: varies: ca. 16-24
Format: 31×24 cm
Notes: Succeeded „Heraldisch-genealogische Zeitschrift“, „Jahrbuch Adler“, „Unsere Ahnen“. Volume numbering 13/1939-42, 14/1943-44; Neue Folge 1=15/1947-49 (compex, see specialised sources). See also „Neues Jahrbuch Adler“.

Title: „Al Lumanidig“, kannadig Kevredigezh bannielouriezh hag ardamezouriezh Breizh, kement-tra diwar-benn bannieloù Breizh
(in English: „The Vexilloid“, Bulletin of the Breton Vexillology and Heraldry Society, all about the Breton flags and coats of arms
Publisher: Banieloù Breizh (a.k.a. Association Banieloù Breizh [français], Association vexillologique et héraldique de Bretagne [français], Drapeaux de Bretagne, Kevredigez Banieloù Breizh [breton], Kevredigezh bannielouriezh hag ardamezouriezh Breizh [breton])
Place: Quimper, France
Languages: Breton and French
Issued from: 2005 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Title until nr 8 „Kevredigezh bannielouriezh hag ardamezouriezh Breizh/Bulletin de l’Association vexillologique et héraldique de Bretagne“, kement-tra diwar-benn bannieloù ha skoedoù Breizh/tout sur les drapeaux et écus bretons.[V]

Title: „The Annin Banner“, Published by Annin & Co.; Verona, N. J.
Publisher: Annin & Co.
Place: Verona, N. J., USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1963 until: 1972? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ca. 6
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Supposedly 18 issues published[V]

Title: „Annuaire de la Société française de vexillologie“
(in English: „Yearbook of the French Society of Vexillology“)
Publisher: Société française de vexillologie (SFV)
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1987 until: 1987 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0981-2180
FOTW bib: [asf86]
Pages: 87
Format: 240×160 mm
Notes: Single issue only for 1986.[V]

Title: „Ar Banniel“, Bulletin de la Societe bretonne de vexillologie | Kannadig kevarzhe vannielouriezh vreizh
(in English: „The Banner“, Bulletin of the Breton Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Kevarzhe Vannielouriezh Vreizh (KVV) | Société bretonne de vexillologie (SBV)
Place: Sant Brieg, France
Languages: Breton and French
Issued from: 1996 until: 2016? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3, since 2006: 2
Web presence: Cover pages http://drapeauxbretagne.canalblog.com/archives/2008/12/12/2438725.html
ISSN: 1274-5596
FOTW bib: [arb]
Pages: varies: 8-24
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ | „Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik“ | „Archivio araldico svizzero“, organ de la Societe Suisse d’Heraldique
(in English: „Swiss Heraldic Archives“, Organ of the Swiss Heraldic Association)
Publisher: Société Suisse d’Héraldique (SSH) | Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft (SHG) | Società Svizzera di Araldica (SSA)
Place: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1887 until: 1952 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=ahe-001
FOTW bib: [arh]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Initially issued in Neuchâtel, at one period in Basel, Lusanne, and in other places. First 8 volumes 1887-1894 under title: „Archives héraldiques et sigillographiques Suisses“. In 1953 split into „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ and „Archivum Heraldicum“ international Bulletin (both contuing volume numbering), in 1987 joined into „Archives Héraldiques Suisses : Archivum Heraldicum“. Partial archives until 1921 at https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Schweizerische+Heraldische+Gesellschaft%22.

Title: „Archives Héraldiques Suisses Annuarie“ | „Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik Jahrbuch“ | „Archivo Araldico Svizzero Annuario“
(in English: „Swiss Heraldic Archives Yearbook“)
Publisher: Société Suisse d’Héraldique (SSH) | Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft (SHG) | Società Svizzera di Araldica (SSA)
Place: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1953 until: 1986 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=ahe-003
ISSN: 1423-0534
FOTW bib: [arh]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Suceeded „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ (and its volume numbering), as was also „Archivum Heraldicum“ international Bulletin, but not the same. Since 1988 both joined continued again as „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“.

Title: „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ | „Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik“ | „Archivio araldico svizzero“, „Archivum heraldicum“
(in English: „Swiss Heraldic Archives : Heraldic Archives“)
Publisher: Société Suisse d’Héraldique (SSH) | Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft (SHG) | Società Svizzera di Araldica (SSA)
Place: varies, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1987 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=ahe-004
ISSN: 1423-0534
FOTW bib: [arh]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Suceeded join of „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ and „Archivum Heraldicum“ international Bulletin (and their volume numbering). Since 2014 frequency 1 per year.

Title: „Archivum Heraldicum“, internationales Bulletin = bulletin international = bollettino internazionale / organe de la Société Suisse Héraldique; de l’Académie Internationale d’Héraldique; de la Société Française d’Héraldique et de Sigillographie; de la Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslachten Wapenkunde; du Wappen-Herold, Deutsche Heraldische Gesellschaft e.V.
(in English: „Heraldic Archives“, International Bulletin)
Publisher: Société Suisse d’Héraldique (SSH) | Schweizerische Heraldische Gesellschaft (SHG) | Società Svizzera di Araldica (SSA)
Place: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1953 until: 1987 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive https://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/volumes?UID=ahe-002
ISSN: 0004-0673
FOTW bib: [arh]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Subtitles vary since 1959: du Conseil héraldique du Luxembourg, de l’Instituto portugués de heraldica, de l’Istituto italiano di genealogia e araldica [Roma], du Collegio araldico [Roma] et de l’Istituto peruano de investigaciones genealogicas; since 1961: de l’Heraldry Society, Grande-Bretagne, de la Suomen heraldinen Seura, Finlande et de la Societas heraldica Scandinavica. Since 1975 frequency 2 per year. Suceeded „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“ (and its volume numbering), as was also „Archives Héraldiques Suisses Annuarie“, but not the same. Both joined since 1988 continued again as „Archives Héraldiques Suisses“.

Title: „Armas e troféus: revista de história, heráldica, genealogia e de arte“, órgão e propriedade do Instituto Português de Heráldica
(in English: „Arms and Trophies: Review for History, Heraldry, Genealogy, and Art“, Organ and property of the Portuguese Institute of Heraldry)
Publisher: Instituto Português de Heráldica (IPH)
Place: Lisboa, Portugal
Language: Portugese
Issued from: 1932 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [aet]
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Armi Antiche“, Bollettino dell’Accademia di San Marciano
(in English: „Ancient weapons“, Bulletin of the San Marcian Academy)
Publisher: Accademia di San Marciano (ASM)
Place: Torino, Italy
Language: Italian
Issued from: 1954 until: 2000+ (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, partial https://independent.academia.edu/ArmiAntiche
ISSN: 0403-2268
FOTW bib: [aai]
Pages: varies: ca. 70
Format: 240×170 mm
Notes: Vexillological and heraldic contents in the issues 1954, 1958, 1968, 1969, 1971 (ICV4 Turin), 1973, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2000. Still being published, but with no vexillological contents.[V]

Title: „The Athelstaneford Saltire“, Newsletter of the Scottish Flag Trust
Publisher: Scottish Flag Trust
Place: Athelstaneford, Scotland
Language: English
Issued from: 1997 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, partial https://scottishflagtrust.com/news/past-newsletters/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Banderas“, Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Vexilología
(in English: „Flags“, Bulletin of the Spanish Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Vexilología (SEV)
Place: Madrid, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1979 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers http://vexilologia.org/?page_id=503
ISSN: 0213-0955
FOTW bib: [ban]
Pages: 40-50
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Blazon- kaj flag-bulteno“
(in English: „Coat-of-arms and flag bulletin“)
Publisher: Jaroslav Klement (ed.) [Gazetara kaj informa komisiono de Ĉeĥa Esperanto-Asocio]
Place: České Buďejovice/Karlový Vary, Czech Republic
Language: Esperanto
Issued from: 1981 until: 1982 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [bfb]
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 9 issues.[V]

Title: „Boletín A.P.C.R.A.“
(in English: „Bulletin of the Association of Ceremonial Professionals of the Argentine Republic“)
Publisher: Asociación de Profesionales del Ceremonial de la República Argentina (APCRA)
Place: Buenos Aires?, Argentina
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1992 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [apc]
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Boletín CIDEC“
(in English: „CIDEC Bulletin“)
Publisher: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Culturales (Fundación CIDEC)
Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1991 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [cid]
Pages: 6-20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Name initially „Boletín de la Fundacion C.I.D.E.C.“ since March 1991, since „Boletín Informativo C.I.D.E.C.“ November 1992, „Boletín del CIDEC“ since August 1995, „C.I.D.E.C. en Acción“ since October 2001, final number in 2002. Special numbers in French „La page francaise“ August 1994, and in English „Anglo-American Journal“ March 1995.[V]

Title: „Le cabinet des drapeaux communique…“ | „Das Flaggenkabinett informiert…“
(in English: „The flag office informs…“)
Publisher: Das Flaggenkabinett
Place: Berlin, Germany
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1992 until: 2005 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [cdd]
Pages: 40
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Carnet de la Sabretache“ revue militaire rétrospective
(in English: „Notebook from the Sabretache“, Retrospective Military History Review)
Publisher: La Sabretache, Societe d’etudes d’histoire militaire
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1893 (active)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers https://gallica.bnf.fr/arc:/12148/cb34449073t/date; https://lasabretache.fr/rechercher-un-ancien-article/
ISSN: 1162-4973
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 25 cm
Notes: General military history magazine, includes some vexillological and heraldic topics.

Title: „CFFH“, Revue trimestrielle de le Club français des figurines historiques
(in English: „CFFH“, Quarterly review of the French Club for Historic Figurines)
Publisher: Le Club français des figurines historiques
Place: La Varenne Saint Hilaire, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1983 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index, partial http://s510684789.onlinehome.fr/cl/am_cffh/index.php
ISSN: 0752-2738
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Figurines collectors magazine, with occasional articles on flags.

Title: „Conféderation internationale de généalogie et d’héraldique“, Bulletin d’information CIGH
(in English: „International Confederation for Genealogy and Heraldry“, Bulletin of Information of the CIGH
Publisher: Conféderation internationale de généalogie et d’héraldique (CIGH)
Place: Saint Cloud, France
Language: French
Issued from: ? (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, since 2008 http://www.cigh.info/bulletins.html
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Circulaire“, Académie Internationale D’Héraldique
(in English: „Circular“, International Academy of Heraldry)
Place: Herblay, France
Language: French
Issued from: ? (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, since 2000 http://aih-1949.com/circulaires.php
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Previously published in Chennevières, France, Saint-Jean du Gard, France and Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Title: „The Coats of Arms“, an heraldic quarterly magazine published by The Heraldry Society
Publisher: The Heraldry Society
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1950 until: 1971 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, sold on media https://theheraldrysociety.com/shop/archive/heraldry-gazette-and-escutcheon-1947-present/
ISSN: 0010-003X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 22 cm
Notes: Total 88 numbers in 12 volumes, continued after a 2 years pause to the 2nd Series

Title: „The Coats of Arms“, an heraldic quarterly magazine published by The Heraldry Society
Publisher: The Heraldry Society
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1974 until: 2004 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, sold on media https://theheraldrysociety.com/shop/archive/coat-of-arms-series-2-1974-2004/
ISSN: 0010-003X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 22 cm
Notes: From nr. 89 (spring 1974) to Vol 15, no. 207&208 (automn/winter 2004)

Title: „The Coats of Arms“, an heraldic journal published twice yearly by The Heraldry Society
Publisher: The Heraldry Society
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 2005 until: 2017 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive, partial https://theheraldrysociety.com/publications/contents-of-series-3-of-the-coat-of-arms-2005-2017/
ISSN: 0010-003X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 22 cm
Notes: From 3rd series Vol. I part 1 (no. 209, Spring 2005) to Vol. XIII parts 1&2 (nos. 233/244 [sc. 234], automn 2017)

Title: „The Coats of Arms“, Annual Journal of the Heraldry Society
Publisher: The Heraldry Society
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 2018 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, partial https://theheraldrysociety.com/publications/contents-of-series-3-of-the-coat-of-arms-2005-2017/
ISSN: 0010-003X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 22 cm
Notes: From Series 4 Vol 1 (no. 235) forward. On-line ISSN 2634-1182

Title: „CHF – Heraldinen ja veksillologinen aikakauskirja“, Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum julkaisuja
(in English: „CHF – Heraldic and Vexillological Magazine“, Finnish Heraldic Society publications)
Publisher: Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum (CHF)
Place: Helsinki, Finland
Language: Finnish
Issued from: 1989 until: 2005? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial https://www.kirjaverkko.fi/kirjasarja/chfn-julkaisuja/3545
ISSN: 0785-6148
FOTW bib: [chf]
Pages: 36-144
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Subseries: Lippuja (Vaakunoita) ja Muita Tunnuksia [LMT], 8 Sukuvaakunaa [8S][V]

Title: „Crux Australis“, The Journal of Flags Australia
(in English: „Southern Cross“, The Journal of Flags Australia)
Publisher: Flags Australia (FA; a. k. a. Flag Society of Australia, FSA)
Place: Sydney, Australia
Language: English
Issued from: 1984 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers https://www.flagsaustralia.com.au/CruxPrevious.html
ISSN: 0814-5008
FOTW bib: [cxa]
Pages: varies: ca. 50
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Initially subtitled “Official Publicaton of the Flag Society of Australia”;, 1984 through 1986 annually 6 numbers.[V]

Title: „The Dettra Gram“, News of Flags and People Who Make Flags
Publisher: Dettra Flag Company
Place: Oaks, PA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1957 until: 1982? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ca. 4?
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Also spelled „The Dettragram“. In 1998 the company was bought by Annin Co.[V]

Title: „Der deutsche Herold“, Zeitschrift für Wappen-, Siegel- u. Familienkunde
(in English: „The German Harold“, Journal for Heraldry, Sigilography and Genealogy)
Publisher: Verein Herold
Place: Berlin, Grmany
Language: German
Issued from: 1870 until: 1934 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: Digitized, partially 1870-1881, Index 1870-1895 http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Der_Deutsche_Herold
FOTW bib: [ddh]
Pages: varies
Format: 134×106 mm

Title: „Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv“, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift des Deutschen Schiffahrtsmuseums
(In English: „German Maritime Archive“, Scientific Journal of the German Maritime Museum
Publisher: Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum
Place: Bremerhaven, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1975 until: 1995+ (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, partial http://ww2.dsm.museum/DSA/
ISSN: 0343-3668
FOTW bib: [dsa]
Pages: varies
Format: 235×157 mm
Notes: Nr. 2-7 include the “Flaggen- und Wappenkunde” section, related articles in nr. 11, 15 and 19. See index as http://www.dsm.museum/medien/17/4565/dsa_register.pdf. Still being published, but with no vexillological contents.[V]

Title: „DGF-Informationen“, Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde
(In English: „DGF Informations“, Newsletter for Members of the German Vexillological Association)
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde e.V. (DGF)
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 2004 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/dgfinfo.html
FOTW bib: [dgi]
Pages: 12-16
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Initially titled „DGF-Informationen“, as again from 2020. Successor to the „DGF-Nachrichten“[V]

Title: „DGF-Nachrichten“, Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde
(In English: „DGF Newsletter“, Newsletter for Members of the German Vexillological Association)
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde e.V. (DGF)
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1996 until: 2003 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers, partial http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/dgfnachrichten.htm
FOTW bib: [dgf]
Pages: 12-16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continued as „DGF-Informationen“[V]

Title: „The double tressure“, newsletter of the Heraldry Society of Scotland
Publisher: Heraldry Society of Scotland
Place: Inverkeithing, Scotland
Language: English
Issued from: 1977 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0141-237X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Dragona“, Asociación de Amigos de la Historia Militar
Publisher: Asociación de Amigos de la Historia Militar
Place: Madrid, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1993 until: 1995 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1133-4312
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: General military history magazine, includes some vexillological and heraldic topics. Total six issues, merged in 1996 and contined as „Researching & Dragona“ until 2003 number 1 through 23.

Title: „Dragonlore“, The Journal of The College of Dracology
Publisher: College of Dracology
Place: Stourbridge, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1946 until: 2018 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://www.dragonlore.co.uk/latest.shtml
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 8
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Bulletin devoted to study of mitycal creatures in art, many based on heraldic applications. Total 192 issues.

Title: „Le drapeau poitevin“, Revue de la Société vexillologique de l’Ouest
(In English: „The Flag of Poitou“, Journal of the Vexillological Society of the West)
Publisher: Société vexillologique de l’Ouest
Place: Parthenay, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1999 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 4 issues.[V]

Title: „Drapeaux et pavillons“, Le bulletin de la Société française de vexillologie
(In English: „Flag and Esign“, Bulletin of the Franch Society of Vexillology)
Publisher: Société française de vexillologie (SFV)
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 2018 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only; Index of papers https://www.drapeaux-sfv.org/bulletin/derniers-bulletins/
ISSN: 0769-7864
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Succeeded the „Emblèmes et pavillons“ and „Franciae Vexilla“, with continued numbering from nr. 136[V]

Title: „Drevesa“, Časopis slovenskega rodoslovenega družtva
(In English: „Trees“, Journal of the Slovenian Genealogical Society)
Publisher: Slovensko rodoslovno društvo (SRD)
Place: Škofja Loka, Slovenia
Language: Slovenian
Issued from: 1994 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://rodoslovje.si/index.php/sl/vsebina-revije
ISSN: 1318-6221
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 50
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: On-line issue ISSN 1580-2051. In 1994 named „Bilten rodoslovnega društva“ (nr. 1), and „Bilten rodoslovnega krožka“ (nr. 2-4). In 1995 as „Drevesa“, Bilten slovenskih rodoslovcev (12 monthly numbers), afterwards quarterly with frequent dual and tripple numbers, since 2005 one or two numbers per annum.

Title: „eFlags“, The Virtual Flag Magazine of the Flag Institute
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 2006 until: 2008 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, members only http://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 8-12
Format: e-mail
Notes: [V]

Title: „Emblemata“, Revista aragonesa de emblemática
(In English: „Emblems“, Journal Aragones for Emblematics)
Publisher: Institución «Fernando el Católico», Cátedra de Emblemática «Barón de Valdeolivos» (IFC)
Place: Zaragoza, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1995 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://ifc.dpz.es/publicaciones/biblioteca2/id/6
ISSN: 1137-1056
FOTW bib: [ifc]
Pages: varies
Format: ?

Title: „Emblèmes et pavillons“, Bulletin de la Société Française de Vexillologie
(in English: „Emblems and Ensigns“, Buletin of the French Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Société française de vexillologie (SFV)
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1985 until: 1995 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only; Index of papers https://www.drapeaux-sfv.org/bulletin/emblemes-pavillons/
ISSN: 0769-7864
FOTW bib: [eep]
Pages: 6-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 46 issues and an index. Continued as „Franciae Vexilla“[V]

Title: „End of the Year Review“
Publisher: The Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1976 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [eyr]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Supplement to the Flag Bulletin.[V]

Title: „Erbovni sešit“
(In English: „Armorial shield“)
Publisher: Heraldická sekce Klubu vojenské historie při Vojenském historickém ústavu Praha, Praha-Žižkov
Place: Praha, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1968 until: 1971 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://www.historie.hranet.cz/heraldika/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-20
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Escutcheon“
Publisher: Society of Heraldic Antiquaries (since 1950: The Heraldry Society)
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1947 until: 1956 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, sold on media https://theheraldrysociety.com/shop/archive/escutcheon-and-heraldry-gazette/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Continued in 1957 as „The Heraldry Gazette“

Title: „Estandarte“, Publicación de la Asociación Argentina de Vexilología
(in English: „Standard“, Publication of the Argentine Association for Vexillology)
Publisher: Asociación Argentina de Vexilología (AAV)
Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1991 until: 2016 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [est]
Pages: varies: 5-42
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continued as „Vexiloargentina“[V]

Title: „Festival umjetničkih zastavica“, Međunarodni ulični festival Cest is d’Best
(in English: „International Art Flags Festival“, International Street Festival Cest is d’Best)
Publisher: Kadenca – udruga uličnih zabavljača
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2009 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 28-60
Format: 140×279
Notes: nr. 1 and 2 format 140×340, individual ISBNs[V]

Title: „The Flag Heritage Foundation Monograph and Translation Series“
Publisher: Flag Heritage Foundation (FHF)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2010 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://www.flagheritagefoundation.org/fhf-publications/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: nr. 1 and 4bis 8° format[V]

Title: „Fidra News“
Publisher: Fidra SA
Place: Bruxelles, Belgium
Language: French
Issued from: 1973 until: 1974 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Figurina Helvetica“, Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft der Freunde der Zinnfigur “Figurina Helvetica” | Bulletin de l’Association suisse des amis de la figurine d’étain “Figurina Helvetica”
(in English: „Swiss Figure“, Bulletin of the Swiss Assocation of Tin Figures Friends “Figurina Helvetica”)
Publisher: Schweizerischen Gesellschaft der Freunde der Zinnfigur “Figurina Helvetica” | Association suisse des amis de la figurine d’étain “Figurina Helvetica”
Place: Zürich, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1942 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Tin figures collectiors magazine, with occasional articles on flags.

Title: „Флаг“, Бюллетень Русского центра флаговедения и геральдики [„Flag“, Bjulleten’ Russkogo centra flagovedenija i geral’diki] | „The Flag“, Bulletin of the Russian Centre of Vexillology and Heraldry)
Publisher: Русский центр флаговедения и геральдики (РЦФГ) [Russkij centr flagovedenija i geral’diki (RCFG)] | Russian Centre of Vexillology and Heraldry (RCVH)
Place: Orenburg, Russia
Language: Russian
Issued from: 2003 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial http://www.vexillographia.ru/flags.htm
FOTW bib: [fgr]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Initiated in 1976, numbers 1 through 3 (1976/1977) confiscated by the KGB. Continued with dual numbering nr. 1(4) in 2003.[V]

Title: „Flag“
Publisher: Flag Research Centre of Sri Lanka (FRCSL)
Place: Panadura, Sri Lanka
Language: English
Issued from: 1982 until: 1982 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [flg]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „Флаг“ [„Flag“]
Publisher: Приволжский Клуб вексиллологии (ПКВ) [Privolzhskiy Klub veksillologii (PKV)]
Place: Saratov, Russia
Language: Russian
Issued from: 1977 until: 1978 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fgr]
Pages: 16-24
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Isuses 1 and 2 in 1977 on 16 A5 pages, issues in 1978 on 24 A4 pages. All confiscated. Since 1984 organization renamed to Клуб вексиллологии и геральдики (КВГ) [Klub veksillologii i geral’diki (KVG)], in 1991 became RCVH and continued publication in a new series in 2003 (q. v.).[V]

Title: „The Flag and Banner“
Publisher: Flagshop, Vancouver
Place: Vancouver, Canada
Language: English
Issued from: 1987 until: 2007 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fnb]
Pages: 4-16
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Issued quarterly and irregularly 1987-1996, semiannual since 1997, until vol. 19(2007)2. Larger format 290×350 mm (6/1993 til 10/1997), reverted to previous format, since 2004 A4 on 16 pages[V]

Title: „Flag Briefing for Subscribers to Flagspex and Flagfix“
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester?, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1990 until: 1993? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: produced for those FI members who subscribed to a premium service. WCL has three: No.9 (1 March 1993), 10 (1 July 1993) and 11 (1 November 1993); ‘Flagspex’ were the Flag Specification Sheets; ‘Flagfix’ were Flag Identification Cards (Info: Ian Sumner)[V]

Title: „The Flag Bulletin“
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1961 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0015-3370
FOTW bib: [tfb]
Pages: varies
Format: Half Letter (216×140 mm)
Notes: „The Flag Bulletin“ was officially recognized by the International Federation of Vexillological Associations for the publication of scholarly articles relating to vexillology. Since 2008 publishing highly irregular (only 2 issues until 2016, a new issue announced for 2021).[V]

Title: „The Flag Bulletin Newsletter | Courrier de drapeau | Flaggenmitteilungen“, a supplement to the Flag Bulletin
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1967 until: 1973 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fbn]
Pages: 2
Format: Half Letter (216×140 mm)
Notes: Supplement to „The Flag Bulletin“ with short news and announcements. Last issue numbered Vol. V, Nrs 5-6 (Sep-Dec 1973). Total issues unknown (ca. 30?).[V]

Title: „Flag Data Archives“
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1970 until: 1975 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 10
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fda]
Pages: 2
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Vol. I (State and National Flags, 1970-75, 25 issues), Vol. II (Military and Naval Flags, 1971-73, 4 issues), Vol. III (Provincial and District Flags, 1969-74, 16 issues), Vol IV (Municipal Flags, none), Vol V (Corporate Flags, 1974, 1 ussue), Vol. VI (Personal Flags, 1974-1975, 7 issues) total 53 issues[V]

Title: „Flag Data Bank“, News Bulletin for Computer Applications in Vexillology
Publisher: Gunnar Staack (ed.), Erich Dieter Linder (co-ed.)
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Index of papers https://web.archive.org/web/20021127164927/http://members.aol.com:80/flagdatabk/
ISSN: 1430-9041
FOTW bib: [fdb]
Pages: 16-32
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Since nr. 10 (1999) format A5, with new subtitle „Flag Data Bank“, Municipal Vexillology[V]

Title: „Flag Etiquette & Usage Standards“
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1996 until: 2015? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [feu]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „Flag Information Sources“, a supplement to the Flag Bulletin
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1970 until: 1973 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fis]
Pages: 2-4
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Supplement to „The Flag Bulletin“, listing news on vexillological publications, book reviews, bibliography etc. Last nr. Vol IV Nr. 3-4. (11 issues total)[V]

Title: „Flag Institute Bulletin“
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1977 until: 1978 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only https://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/flagmaster-archive/
ISSN: 0309-085X
FOTW bib: [fib]
Pages: varies: 10-16
Format: 255×210 mm
Notes: Succeeded the „Flagmaster“. Total 5 issues. Continued as the „Flagmaster“ again.[V]

Title: „Flag Institute Gazette“
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 2004 until: 2014 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only http://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/
FOTW bib: [fgz]
Pages: 4-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Supplemet to the „Flagmaster“ (FM). Numbered by matching FM thus nr. 1 is FM 113. Since nr. 45 (FM 157) integrated as a section in the „Flagmaster“.[V]

Title: „Flag Institute Specification Sheet“
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1994? until: 2000? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fss]
Pages: 1-4
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: At least one for each country. Some carry earlier dates (i.e. 1992), when they were prepared, but these were issued as a set in 1994 (cf. FlagFax C5 FM 78/1994)[V]

Title: „Flag Institute Trade Bulletin“
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester?, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1990 until: 1990? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib:
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: WCL has No.3 November 1990, one A4 sheet (Info: Ian Sumner)[V]

Title: „Flag Plaza Standard“, a Triannual Publication of the National Flag Foundation
Publisher: National Flag Foundation (NFF)
Place: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1970 until: 1990 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0882-2220
FOTW bib: [fps]
Pages: 2
Format: 14″×10″ (350×255 mm)
Notes: Total, 21 volumes (ca. 60 issues). Continued as „The New Constellation“.[V]

Title: „Flag Report“, Vexillological information bulletin
Publisher: Jaume Ollé (ed.)
Place: Reus, Spain
Languages: Catalan and English
Issued from: 1997 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [frp]
Pages: varies
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Flag Research Quarterly – Revuie Trimestrielle de Recherche en Vexillologie“, A Research Publication of the North American Vexillological Association
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Boston, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2013 until: 2017 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://nava.org/flag-research-quarterly/
ISSN: 2334-4407
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-20
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Succeeded by „Vexillum“[V]

Title: „Flag Signals“, Newsletter of the New Zealand Flag Association
Publisher: New Zealand Flag Association (NZFA)
Place: Wellington, New Zealand
Language: English
Issued from: 1999 until: 1999 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 3
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continuation of the FANZ’s „Masthead“. Single number.[V]

Title: „Flag Times“
Publisher: Flag Industries Group
Place: ?, South Africa
Language: English
Issued from: 1992 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2
Format: A3 (420×297 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „The Flag Times“, The Official Newsletter of the Vexillological Society (Singapore)
Publisher: Vexillological Society (Singapore)
Place: Singapore, Singapore
Language: English
Issued from: 2020 (active)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 6
Format: e-mail
Notes: [V]

Title: „Flaga“, Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Weksylologicznego
(in English: „Flag“, Bulletin of the Polish Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Polskie Towarzystwo Weksylologizne (PTW)
Place: Warszaw, Poland
Language: Polish
Issued from: 1999 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Archive http://www.weksylologia.pl/biuletyn-PTW.php
ISSN: 1509-2429
FOTW bib: [fla]
Pages: 12-24
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Since 2014 new series (q. v.) with double numbering nr. 1(25)[V]

Title: „Flaga“, Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Weksylologicznego (2nd Series)
(in English: „Flag“, Bulletin of the Polish Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Polskie Towarzystwo Weksylologizne (PTW)
Place: Warszaw, Poland
Language: Polish
Issued from: 2014 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://www.weksylologia.pl/biuletyn-PTW.php
ISSN: 1509-2429
FOTW bib: [fla]
Pages: 8-20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continued with double numbering nr. 1(25) form the previous series of 1999-2002.[V]

Title: „FlagFax“, A Flagmaster Supplement
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1986 until: 1998 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only http://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/
FOTW bib: [ffx]
Pages: 2
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Supplemet to the „Flagmaster“ (FM 50 though 91) in six series A: Historical flags, B: Bibliographical and Research Material, C: Flag Specifications, D: Flag Manufacture, E: Colassification and Terminology, F: Usage and Theory. Series B No. 1 not issued. [V]

Title: „Flaggen, Wappen und Siegel: Änderungen und Ergänzung“
(in English: „Flags, Coats of Arms and Seals: Amendments and Additions“)
Publisher: World Vexillological Research Institute (WVRI)
Place: Prag, Czech Republic
Language: German
Issued from: 1986 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://www.historie.hranet.cz/heraldika/flawas
ISSN: 0948-3748
FOTW bib: [fws]
Pages: 22
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: In collaboration with Das Flaggenkabinett Berlin. Since 1992 as publication of WVRI.[V]

Title: „Flaggenforum“, Das Blatt für Internationale Wappen- und Flaggenkunde
(in English: „Flag Forum“, the Newspapers for International Heraldic and Flag Sciences)
Publisher: Archive für Flaggenkunde (AFF)
Place: Hattingen, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1990 until: 1993 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [flf]
Pages: 36
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: In 2015 AFF chanhged name to Institut für Flaggenkunde (IFF). First nr. 0 in 1990, last nr. 7 in 1993.[V]

Title: „Der Flaggenkurier“, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde
(in English: „The Flag Courier“, Journal of the German Vexillological Association)
Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde e.V. (DGF)
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1995 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive, partial http://www.flaggenkunde.de/veroeffentlichungen/flaggenkurier.html
ISSN: 0949-6173
FOTW bib: [dfk]
Pages: 26-64
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Flaggenmitteilungen“
(in English: „Flag reports“)
Publisher: Dr Günter Mattern (ed.)
Place: Liestal, Switzerland
Languages: German, French and English
Issued from: 1975 until: 1999 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1420-1879
FOTW bib: [fml]
Pages: 2-24
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 232 issues.[V]

Title: „Flagi miast polskich“
(in English: „Flags of Polish Cities“)
Publisher: Instytut Heraldyczno-Weksylologiczny (IHW)
Place: Warshaw, Poland
Language: Polish
Issued from: 2000 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fmp]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Periodical reported by IHW to the FIAV. Publication of a number unconfirmed.[V]

Title: „Flagmaster“, a Flag Insitute publication
Publisher: Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Chester, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1971 until: 1975 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only https://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/flagmaster-archive/
ISSN: 0142-5129
FOTW bib: [flm71]
Pages: 12
Format: 203×165 mm
Notes: Succeeded the HSFS „Newsletter“. Least since nr. 3(1971) subtitled „The journal of the Flag Institute“. The journal continued in 1977 as the „Flag Institute Bulletin“ and in 1978 as the „Flagmaster“ again.[V]

Title: „Flagmaster“, the Journal of the Flag Institute
Publisher: The Flag Institute (FI)
Place: York, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1978 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only; Index of papers https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/flagmaster-archive/
ISSN: 0142-1271
FOTW bib: [flm]
Pages: 8-28
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Succeeded the „Flagmaster“ (1S) and „Flag Institute Bulletin“. Until late 1980’s issued in Chester, England. Until 199? with the subtitle „[The] Flag Institute Bulletin“. Index of nos. 1-161 (2020) at https://www.flaginstitute.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Flagmaster-Index.pdf[V]

Title: „Flags“, a. k. a. „Tumbling Waters Museum of Flags“
Publisher: Tumbling Waters Museum of Flags (TWMF)
Place: Montgomery, AL, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1975 until: 1978 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [fgs]
Pages: varies
Format: Half Letter (216×140 mm)
Notes: First issues had the full title, subsequently only „Flags“, total 4 issues. TWMF issued also, since 1974 until ca. 1978, a series of 2-pages newletters, at least fifteen issues named first „Collection Status Report“, then „News Report“ and finally „Update“.[V]

Title: „Flagscan“, Quarterly Journal of the Canadian Flag Association/L’Association canadienne de Vexillologie
Publisher: Canadian Flag Association (CFA) / L’ Association canadienne de Vexillologie (ACV)
Place: Toronto, Canada
Languages: English and French
Issued from: 1986 until: 2011? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0833-1510
FOTW bib: [fsc]
Pages: 4-8
Format: P5 (215×140 mm)?
Notes: Supplements: Banderín [bdi] ISSN 1492-8256, Dragonflags [dfs] ISSN 1492-840X, Ensign & Jack [eaj] ISSN 1492-8477, Flag City [fct] ISSN 1492-837X, Flagnaut [fnt] ISSN ?, Flagsam [fsm] ISSN 1492-8388, Flagguru [–], Ifulegi [ifu] ISSN 1492-823X, Pavillonnerie [pvi] ISSN 1492-8248, Heraldo, Band.It, Flaggenmann, ‘Alam. WCL holds individual issues (info Ian Sumner): Banderín: 11-15 (2005); Dragon Flags: 8 (2001); Ensign and Jack: 1 (1998), 2 (1998), 4 (1998), 5 (1999), 6-7 (1999-2000), 8 (2000), 9 (2000), 11 (2000), 12 (2001), 13-14 (2001), 15-16 (2002), 17 (2002), 19 (2005); Flagnaut: 1 (1998), 6 (2001), 8 (2000), 9 (2000), 10/11 (2000), 12 (2001-2), 17 (2002), 26 (2004); Flagsam: 1 (1998), 8 (2000), 9-10 (2000), 11 (2000), 12 (2001), 13 (2001), 15 (2002), 16-17 (2002), 18 (2002-3), 26 (2006), 27 (2007), 32-33 (2007-8) and New Series 3 (2010); Heraldo: 1 (2002), 2 (2002); Ifulengi: 1 (1998), 2 (1998), 7 (2000), 9-10 (2000), 11 (2001-2), 12 (2001-2), 13 (2001-2), New series 2 (2010); Pavillonerie: 1 (1998), 4 (1998), 8 (2000), 9 (2000), 10 (2000), 11 (2001)[V]

Title: „The Flagship“
Publisher: Chesapeake Bay Flag Association (CBFA)
Place: Columbia, MD, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1993 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [tfs]
Pages: 8
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „FlaGWAVer“, The Journal of Great Waters Association of Vexillology
Publisher: Great Waters Association of Vexillology (GWAV)
Place: Cincinnati, OH, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1996 until: 2012 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://gwav.tripod.com/journal.htm
ISSN: 2327-2368
FOTW bib: [fgw]
Pages: 4-12
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Publisher named the Great Waters Chapter (GWC) until 1996.[V]

Title: „Flutterings“
Publisher: National Flag Co.
Place: Darwin, NT, Australia
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 until: 1994 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Only 2 issues.[V]

Title: „Franciæ Vexilla“, Bulletin de la Société française de vexillologie
(in English: „French Flags“, Buletin of the French Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Société française de vexillologie (SFV)
Place: Boulogne, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1996 until: 2018 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only https://www.drapeaux-sfv.org/bulletin/franciae-vexilla/
ISSN: 1270-0096
FOTW bib: [frv]
Pages: 6-14
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Succeeded the „Emblèmes et Pavillons“ in 1996, dual numbering, the second number continuing the EeP series. A special number (unnumberred) in 2005. Until nr. 88/153, sunceeded with „Drapeaux et Pavillons“ in 2018 with its nr. 136[V]

Title: „From the Flag Locker“, A Flagmaster Supplement, News and Views from Flag Institute Members
Publisher: The Flag Institute (FI)
Place: Petersfield, Hampshire, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1987 until: 1997 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, members only http://flaginstitute.org/wp/members-area/
FOTW bib: [ffl]
Pages: 4
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Supplemet to the „Flagmaster“. From nr. 87/1997 included as a section in the „Flagmaster“.[V]

Title: „Gaceta de Banderas“, Noticiario de la Sociedad Española de Vexilología & Centre Belgo-Européen d’Études des Drapeaux
(in English: „Gazette of Flags“, Newsletter of the Spanish Society of Vexilology & Belgian-European Center for the Study of Flags)
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Vexilología (SEV) and Centre Belgo-Européen d’Études des Drapeaux (CEBED)
Place: Ottignies, Belgium
Languages: Spanish, French and English
Issued from: 1992 (active)
Annual frequency: 8
Web presence: Index of papers http://vexilologia.org/?page_id=503
FOTW bib: [gdb]
Pages: varies 4-6
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Genealogicko-heraldický hlas“, Časopis Slovenske genealogicko-heraldicke spoločnosťi
(in English: „Genealogical-Heraldic Voice“, the Journal of the Slovakian Genealogical and Heraldical Society)
Publisher: Slovenská genealogicko-heraldická spoločnosť (SGHS)
Place: Martin, Slovakia
Language: Slovak
Issued from: 1991 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive http://www.sghs.sk/slo/hlas.html
ISSN: 1335-0137
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 48
Format: 202×137 mm

Title: „Гербовыдь“ [Gerbovydh]
Publisher: Русская Геральдическая Коллегия [Russkoi Geral’dicheskoi kollegiei] (Russian College of Heraldry)
Place: Moscow, Russia
Language: Russian
Issued from: 1994? (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [gbv]
Pages: ?
Format: 199×145 mm
Notes: Also ocasionally spelit „Гербовіьдъ“ [Gerbovịhdw].

Title: „Δελτίο Τύπου – Newsletter“, a.k.a. „GHS Newsletter“
Publisher: Ελληνικής Εραλδικής Κοινότητας – Greek Heraldry Society
Place: ,
Languages: Greek and English
Issued from: 2010 until: 2010? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Глас Хералда“, лист за промоцију хералдике [„Glas heralda“, list za promociju heraldike]
(in English: „Voice of Herald“, Paper for Promotion of Heraldry)
Publisher: Relikon d. o. o.
Place: Novi Sad, Serbia
Language: Serbian
Issued from: 2003 until: 2005 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://www.relikon.com/GlasHeralda/GH_000.htm
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 4-10
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Also subtitled “Elektronski časopis za informisanje iz oblasti heraldike i srodnih područja” (Electronic journal for information in heraldry and related fields).

Title: „Glas narodne diplomacije“, Glasilo Koordinacije hrvatskih društava prijateljstva
(in English: „Voice of People’s Diplomacy“, Bulletin of the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies)
Publisher: Koordinacije hrvatskih društava prijateljstva
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2011 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://www.khdp.hr/izdanja/gnd
ISSN: 1848-087X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 44-72
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Most numbers include articles on national symbols.

Title: „Glasilo Hrvatskog rodoslovnog društva “Pavao Riter Vitezovi攓
(in English: „Bulletin of the Croatian genealogical Society “Pavao Ritter Vitezovi攓)
Publisher: Hrvatsko rodoslovno društvo “Pavao Riter Vitezović”
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2005 until: 2009? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive, partial http://www.rodoslovlje.hr/teme/o-radu-drustva/glasilo-drustva
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 4-16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Glasnik heraldike: grboslovlja, rodoslovlja, životopisa i pečatoslovlja“ (Courrier héraldique: blasonique, généalogique, biographique et sphragistique)
(in English: „Herald of Heraldry: Heraldry, Genealogy, Biography and Sfragistics“)
Publisher: Konsorcij “Heraldičkog Zavoda”
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1937 until: 1938 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-40
Format: 23 cm
Notes: Individual numbers 1 through 4 (1937), nr. 1-2, special issue, 3-4 and 5-6-7-8 (1938) – total 8 issues.

Title: „Glasnik Hrvatskog plemićkog zbora“, Glasilo Hrvatskoga plemićkoga zbora za popularizaciju znanosti s recenzijom
(in English: „Herald of Croatian Nobility Association“, Croatian nobility association official journal for popularizing science with review)
Publisher: Hrvatski plemićki zbor (HPZ)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1998 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://plemstvo.hr/Publikacije/Glasnik
ISSN: 1845-9463
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 20-120
Format: 235×165 mm
Notes: Nr. 1-3 format 210×210 mm.

Title: „Гласник СХД“ [Glasnik SHD] | „SHD Gazette“
Publisher: Српско Хералдичко Друштво “Бели Орао” [Srpsko Heraldičko Društvo “Beli Orao”]
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Languages: Serbian and English
Issued from: 1997 until: 2003 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: Archive, partial http://srpskoheraldickodrustvo.com/
FOTW bib: [sdh]
Pages: 4-12
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Last regular issue, supposedly, nr. 2 of 2003. Later excerpts are known from 2004, full numbers not confirmed. There are also 12 unfinished issues for 2005.[V]

Title: „Grb i zastava“, Glasnik Hrvatskog grboslovnog i zastavoslovnog društva | Bulletin of the Croatian Heraldic & Vexillological Association
(in English: „Coat of Arms and Flag“, Bulletin of the Croatian Heraldic & Vexillological Association)
Publisher: Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo (HGZD)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Languages: Croatian and English
Issued from: 2006 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive http://hgzd.hr/grb-i-zastava/
ISSN: 1846-3827
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 20-36
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Occasional extraordinary numbers (IB: Izvanredni broj) of internal association matters, in Croatian only, since IB 4 subtitled “Info-Bilten Skupštine HGZD-a” (in English: “Info-Bulletin of the HGZD Assembly”).[V]

Title: „Heraldica slovenica“
Publisher: Heraldično, genealoško in veksilološko društvo “Heraldica Slovenica”
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Language: Slovenian
Issued from: 1995 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://www.heraldica-slovenica.si/lintvern.php
ISSN: 1408-5283
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 32-48
Format: 235×165 mm
Notes: [V]

Title: „Heraldické noviny“, Nepravidelné elektronické periodikum, které vydábá pro své členy Klub pro českou heraldiku a genealogii
(in English: „Heraldic newspapers“, Irregular Electronic Periodicals, Published for its members by the Czech Heraldry and Genealogy Club)
Publisher: Klub pro českou heraldiku a genealogii (KČHG)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 2008 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular: 1-4
Web presence: Archive http://www.heraldica.cz/all-mags.htm
ISSN: 0232-0304
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 9-24
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Heraldika a Genealogie“, Klub pro českou heraldiku a genealogii
(in English: „Heraldry and genealogy“, Czech Heraldry and Genealogy Club)
Publisher: Klub pro českou heraldiku a genealogii (KČHG)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1968 until: 2010 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://www.heraldica.cz/all-mags.htm
ISSN: 0232-0304
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 7-110
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Heraldisch Tijdschrift“, Periodiek van de Afdeling Heraldiek Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging
(in English: „Heraldic Review“, Periodical of the Heraldry Division of the Dutch Genealogical Society)
Publisher: Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging (NGV), Afdeling Heraldiek
Place: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1995 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.heraldiek.net/aa-publicaties.htm
ISSN: 1381-6675
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 24-40, since 2019: 16
Format: 240×160 mm. since 2016: A4
Notes: Since 2019 subtitled Periodiek voor wapen- zegel- en vlaggenkunde (Periodical of the Heraldry, Sphragistics and Vexillology)

Title: „Heraldische Mitteilungen“, Monatsschrift für Wappenkunde und Wappenkunst, unter Beachtung damit verbundener Gebiete
(in English: „Heraldic Reports“, Monthly Journal for Heraldry, Heraldic Art and Related Areas)
Publisher: Heraldischer Verein „Zum Kleeblatt“ von 1888 zu Hannover e.V.
Place: Hannover, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1892 until: 1929 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [hmt]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Succeeded in 1963 by „Neue Heraldische Mitteilungen“ / „Kleeblatt-Jahrbuch“. See also „Kleeblatt“, Zeitschrift.

Title: „Heraldisch-genealogische Zeitschrift“, Organ d. Heraldisch-Genealogischen Vereins “Adler” in Wien
(in English: „Heraldic-Genealogical Periodical“, Organ of the Heraldic-Genealogicals Association “Eagle” in Vienna)
Publisher: Heraldisch-Genealogischen Vereins “Adler” in Wien
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1871 until: 1873 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: Archive https://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/title/BV010616172
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 16
Notes: Succeeded by „Jahrbuch Adler“ since 1874

Title: „Heraldisk Tidsskrift“
(in English: „Review of Heraldry“)
Publisher: Societas Heraldica Scandinavica (SHS)
Place: Oslo, Norway
Language: Norwegian
Issued from: 1960 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Index of papers http://heraldik.org/publikationer/heraldisk-tidsskrift/
ISSN: 0040-6966
FOTW bib: [hts]
Pages: 48
Format: 230×155 mm

Title: „The Heraldry Gazette“, The Official Organ of The Heraldry Society
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1957 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, partial https://theheraldrysociety.com/articles/
ISSN: 0437-2980
FOTW bib:
Notes: On-line ISBN 2056-418X. Since ? the New Series with subtitle “The official newsletter of the Heraldry Society”

Title: „Херолд [Herold] – Herold“, Бюлетин на Българското хералдическо и вексилоложко общество [Bjuletin na B’lgarskoto heraldičesko i veksiloložko obščestvo] | Bulletin of the Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society
Publisher: Българско хералдическо и вексилоложко общество [B’lgarsko heraldičesko i veksiloložko obščestvo] | Bulgarian Heraldry and Vexillology Society (BHVS)
Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
Language: Bulgarian
Issued from: 2008 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1313-4809
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-24
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Der Herold“, Vierteljahrsschrift für Wappen-, Siegel- und Familienkunde
(In English: „The Harold“, Quarterly Journal for Heraldry, Sigilography, and Genealogy)
Publisher: Verein “Herold” zu Berlin
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1872 until: 1931 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Digitized, partially 1873-1908 http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/Vierteljahrsschrift_f%C3%BCr_Wappen-,_Siegel-_und_Familienkunde
FOTW bib: [dhe]
Pages: varies
Format: ?
Notes: Continued as „Der Herold“, Vierteljahrsschrift für Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften 1959-1962

Title: „ჰეროლდი“ [„Heroldi“]
(in English: „Herold“)
Publisher: საქართველოს პარლამენტთან არსებული ჰერალდიკის სახელწიფო საბჭო [Sakartvelos p’arlament’tan arsebuli heraldik’is sakhelmts’ipo sabch’o] (The State Council of Heraldry atthe Parliament of Georgia)
Place: თბილისი [Tbilisi], Georgia
Language: Georgian
Issued from: 2012 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://www.heraldika.ge/index.php?m=34
ISSN: 2298-0261
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 96
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: 2016: Abstracts of the First National Conference of Heraldry and Vexillology[V]

Title: „Herold-Jahrbuch“
(in English: „Herold Yearbook“)
Publisher: Herold, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften: Berlin
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1972 until: 1974 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.herold-verein.de/de/component/content/article/2-uncategorised/17-jahrbuch
FOTW bib: [hjb]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: New series since 1996.

Title: „Herold-Jahrbuch“ (Neue Folge)
(in English: „Herold Yearbook“ (New Series))
Publisher: Herold, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissenschaften: Berlin
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1996 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.herold-verein.de/de/component/content/article/2-uncategorised/17-jahrbuch
FOTW bib: [hjb]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Succeeded the 1972-1974 issues.

Title: „HGZD Novosti“, elektronička okružnica Hrvatskog grboslovnog i zastavoslovnog društva
(in English: „CHVA News“, Electronic Circular Newsletter of the Croatian Heraldic and Vexilloligcal Association)
Publisher: Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2020 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive https://us4.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=fab2f48cedc53be48c0cf5a28&id=8cb1629c86
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2-4
Format: e-mail
Notes: [V]

Title: „Hopealeijona – Silverlejonet“, Suomen Heraldisen Seuran tiedotuslehti – Heraldiska Sällskapets i Finland tidskrift
(in English: „Silver Lion“, Journal of the Heraldic Society in Finnland)
Publisher: Suomen Heraldinen Seura – Heraldiska Sällskapet i Finland
Place: Helsinki, Finland
Language: Finnish
Issued from: 1994? (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive, partial https://heraldica.fi/fi/julkaisut/hopealeijona/
ISSN: 1459-7500
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-56
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Hot CofFEE“
Publisher: Confederation of Flag and Ensign Enthusiasts (CofFEE), since 1995 Confederation of Flag Enthusiasts (COFE)
Place: ?, Mississippi, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 until: 1996? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „Hrvatski vojnik“, Prvi hrvatski vonostručni magazin
(in English: „Croatian Soldier“, the first Croatian military professional magazine)
Publisher: Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske (MORH)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1991 (active)
Annual frequency: 52
Web presence: Archive http://hrvatski-vojnik.hr/magazin
ISSN: 1330-500X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 52
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: 1991-1995 biweekly, subititled “glasilo Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske”; 1995-2004 new series, monthly; since 2012 unde the current subtitle. Nr. 394(2012)-508(2016) include the collumn “Veksilologija”.

Title: „Husar“, slikovni časopis za vojnu povijest i militariju
(in English: „Husar“, Illustrated Magazine for Military History and Militaria)
Publisher: Carski husar
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2004 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: General info http://husar.com.hr/
ISSN: 1334-7071
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 56
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: In 2013 continued in Geramny as „Husar“, illustriertes Magazin für Militärgeschichte

Title: „Info-Bulletin“, een uitg.[ave] van het Vlaggen Dokumentatie Centrum Nederland
(in English: „Info Bulletin“, a publication by the Flag Documentation Center Netherlands)
Publisher: Vlaggen Documentatie Centrum Nederland (VDCN)
Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Languages: Dutch and English
Issued from: 1978 until: 1999 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1383-312X
FOTW bib: [inf]
Pages: varies: ca. 16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: First issued in A5 size, since 9 (1979) A4, except nos 53-57 (A5). Last no 96 (Dec. 1998) Joined with „Vlaggen“ in 1999 and continued as „Vlaggen-Info“.[V]

Title: „Info-FIAV“
Publisher: Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques (FIAV)
Place: Houston, TX, USA
Languages: English and others
Issued from: 1987 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://fiav.org/info-fiav/
ISSN: 1560-9979
FOTW bib: [fia]
Pages: 3-64
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Since 2019 issued in Pinegowrie, South Africa I.e. from the FIAV Permanent Secretariate location).[V]

Title: „Internationales Militaria-Magazin“, Das aktuelle Magazin für Orden, Militaria, Zeitgeschichte
Publisher: Verlag-Druckerei-Medienvertrieb Heinz Nickel
Place: Zweibrücken, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1990 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Publisher’s webshop https://www.vdmedien24.de/-Int-Militaria-Magazin
ISSN: 0942-4598
FOTW bib: [imm]
Pages: 52
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Irish Vexillology Newsletter“
Publisher: Cumann Vexilleolaioch na hÉireann (CVE) | Vexillological Society of Ireland
Place: Blackrock, County Dublin, Ireland
Languages: Irish and English
Issued from: 1984 until: 1987 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0790-2441
FOTW bib: [ivn]
Pages: varies: 2-6
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „It-Tarka u ’l-Bandiera“ | „The Shield and the Flag“, HAVSOM Journal
Publisher: The Heraldry and Vexilology Society of Malta (HAVSOM)
Place: Zejtun, Malta
Languages: Maltese and English
Issued from: 1996 until: 2004? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [itb]
Pages: 8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Jahrbuch der Heraldisch-Genealogischen Gesellschaft “Adler”“
(in English: „Yearbook of the Heraldic and Genealogical Society “Adler”“)
Publisher: Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft “Adler”
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1874 until: 1932 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive https://archive.org
FOTW bib: [jba]
Pages: varies: ca. 200
Format: 106×138 mm
Notes: Continuation of the „Heraldisch-genealogische Zeitschrift“, volume number continued from 4/1874 though 16-17/1889-1890. New Series (Neue Folge) 1/1891 – 31-32/1931-32. Continued as „Unsere Ahnen“ in 1935, „Adler“ since 1939, „Neues Jahrbuch“, since 1945.

Title: „Jahrbuch der Heraldisch-Genealogischen Gesellschaft “Adler”“
(in English: „Yearbook of the Heraldic and Genealogical Society “Adler”“)
Publisher: Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft “Adler”
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1966 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Continuation of the „Neues Jahrbuch“, 3.F. 6-1964/66(1966) – 17-2016

Title: „旗章学“ [Kishōgaku] / Vexillology
(in English: “Vexillology”, Bulletin of the Japanese Vexillological Assocation)
Publisher: 日本旗章学協会о [Nihon kishōgaku kyōkai] (Japanese Vexillological Association)
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Language: Japanese
Issued from: 2020 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Cover pages https://j-flags-java.jimdofree.com
ISSN: 2435-9769
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 76
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Kleeblatt“, Zeitschrift für Heraldik und verwandte Wissenschaften
(in English: „The Clover Leaf“, Journal of Heraldry and related Sciences)
Publisher: Heraldischer Verein „Zum Kleeblatt“ von 1888 zu Hannover e.V.
Place: Hannover, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1984 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [klb]
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Le drapeau poitevin“, Revue de la Société vexillologique de l’Ouest
(In English: „The Flag of Poitou“, Journal of the Vexillological Society of the West)
Publisher: Société vexillologique de l’Ouest
Place: Parthenay, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1999 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 12-32
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: total 4 issues.[V]

Title: „Liehuvat Värit“
(in English: „With Flying Colours“)
Publisher: Partioheraldikot r.y. (PH)
Place: Espoo, Finland
Language: Finnish
Issued from: 1970 until: 2012? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 5-6
Web presence: Archive, partial http://heraldikot.partio.net/
ISSN: 0357-1432
FOTW bib: [lhv]
Pages: varies: 16-116
Format: 200×146 mm
Notes: [V]

Title: „Logbook“
Publisher: Shipmate Vlag Produktie bv
Place: Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1995 until: 1997 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 12
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Known issues 1/1995 and 2/1997. See related title „Vlaggenbrief“.[V]

Title: „Македонски Хералд “ (Makedonski herald) | „Macedonian Herald“
Publisher: Македонско хералдичко здружение (Мхз, Makedonsko heraldičko združenie, MHZ) | Macedonian Heraldry Society
Place: Skopje, Macedonia
Languages: Macedonian and English
Issued from: 2005 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://heraldika.org.mk/macedonian-herald/
ISSN: 1857-5544
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-80
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: since nr. 11 (2018) semiannual, subititled: „Гласник на Македонско грбословно друштво“ (Glasnik na Makedonsko grboslovno društvo) | „Gazette of the Macedonian Heraldic Society“[V]

Title: „The Mariner’s Mirror“, wherein May be Discovered His Art, Craft & Mystery After the Manner of Their Use in All Ages and Among All Nations
Publisher: Society for Nautical Research (SNR)
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1911 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, partial https://snr.org.uk/the-mariners-mirror-archive/
ISSN: 0025-3359
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 120
Format: 23,5×15 cm
Notes: General nautical history and science jounral, often includes vexillological nautical topics.

Title: „Masthead“, Official newsletter of the Flag Association of New Zealand
Publisher: The Flag Association of New Zealand/Te Roopu Haki Matua o Aotearoa (FANZ)
Place: Wellington, New Zealand
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 until: 1995 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1173-1850
FOTW bib: [mhd]
Pages: 16-20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continued in 1999 as „Te Haki“ and „Flag Signals“.[V]

Title: „Meddelande från VSHS“
(in English: „Messages from VSHS“)
Publisher: Västra Sveriges Heraldiska Sällskap (VSHS)
Place: Göteborg, Sweden
Language: Swedish
Issued from: ? (active)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [mfv]
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Meddelanden från Riksheraldikerämbetet“
(in English: „Messages from the Office of the National Heraldist“)
Publisher: Skånetryckeriets förlag
Place: Malmö, Sweden
Language: Swedish
Issued from: 1933 until: 1945 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [mdd]
Pages: varies 17-437
Format: 240×170 mm

Title: „Men-At-Arms Series“
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1971 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Index of books https://ospreypublishing.com/store/military-history/series-books/men-at-arms
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 40-48
Format: 246×185 mm
Notes: Series of book on military uniforms and related, includes a number of book specifically on flags.

Title: „Militaria Austriaca“, Österreichische Militärgeschichte
(in English: „Austrian militaria“, Austrian Military History)
Publisher: Gesellschaft für Österreichische Heereskunde (GOH)
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1977 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.heereskunde.at/publikationen.html
FOTW bib: [mta]
Pages: varies
Format: 240×170 mm

Title: „Moharra“
(in English: „Spearhead“)
Publisher: Instituto Madrileño de Vexilología (IMV) / Asociacion Hispanica de Vexilologia y Heraldica (AHVH)
Place: Madrid, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1986 until: 1988 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-24
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Six numbers: 1 (May 86), 2 (Sep 86), 3 (Dec 86), 4 (Apr 87), 5 (Sep 87), 6 (May 88)[V]

Title: „National Standard“, Bulletin of the Vexillological Association of the State of Texas
Publisher: Vexillological Association of the State of Texas (VAST)
Place: Huston, TX, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2012 until: 2017 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive http://www.texflags.org/bulletin4.htm
ISSN: 2165-0101
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 4
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: On-line issue ISSN 2165-011X. Continuation of the „VAST News“, counted as its nr. 1[V]

Title: „NAVA News“, The Quarterly Newsletter of the North American Vexillological Association
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Trenton, NJ, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1967 until: 2017 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://nava.org/nava-news/
ISSN: 1053-3338
FOTW bib: [nav]
Pages: 8-12
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: On-line issue ISSN 2372-1332. First eight issues (Vol. 1) titled „NAVA Newsletter“. Succeeded by „Vexillum“[V]

Title: „NAVA Yearbook“
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1973 until: 1992 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0090-4929
FOTW bib: [nyb]
Pages: ca. 20
Format: Half Letter (216×140 mm)
Notes: Mostly the list of officers, members and a brief history of NAVA. After 1983? named “NAVA Handbook” (1989) and after 1990? “NAVA Membership List” (1991, 1992)[V]

Title: „De Nederlandsche Leeuw“, Tijdschrift van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde
(in English: „The Netherlands Lion“, Journal of the Royal Dutch Society for Genealogy and Heraldry)
Publisher: Koninklijk Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde
Place: Den Haag, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1883 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Index of papers https://www.knggw.nl/publicaties/de-nederlandsche-leeuw/
ISSN: 0028-226X
FOTW bib: —

Title: „Neue Heraldische Mitteilungen“ / „Kleeblatt-Jahrbuch“
(in English: „New Heraldic Communications“ / „Kleeblatt Yearbook“)
Publisher: Heraldischer Verein „Zum Kleeblatt“ von 1888 zu Hannover e.V.
Place: Hannover, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1963 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0341-9908
FOTW bib: [hzk]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Successor of the „Heraldische Mitteilungen“. See also „Kleeblatt“, Zeitschrift.

Title: „Neues Jahrbuch der Heraldisch-Genealogischen Gesellschaft “Adler”“
(in English: „New Yearbook of the Heraldic and Genealogical Society “Adler”“)
Publisher: Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft “Adler”
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1945 until: 1963 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0073-1897
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Suceeded „Jahrbuch Adler“. Dritte Folge 1-1945/16(1947) – 5-1961-63(1963). Suceeded „Jahrbuch Adler [1966]“.

Title: „The New Constellation“
Publisher: National Flag Foundation (NFF)
Place: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1990 until: 2005? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [tnc]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „New England Journal of Vexillology“, Published by the New England Vexillological Association
Publisher: New England Vexillological Association (NEVA)
Place: Washington, ME, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1995 until: 2017 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive http://www.nejv.org/
FOTW bib: [nej]
Pages: 8
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: was available at http://www.vexman.net/neva/ until 2018; paused between 2009 and 2017[V]

Title: „News from the Vexillarium“
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1982 until: 2006? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [nfv]
Pages: 1
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Supplement to the Flag Bulletin, at least 150 issues.[V]

Title: „Newsletter“, College of Arms
Publisher: College of Arms (COA)
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 2004 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://www.college-of-arms.gov.uk/news-grants/newsletter
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Newsletter“, Heraldry Society Flag Section
Publisher: Heraldry Society, Flag Section (HSFS)
Place: London, England
Language: English
Issued from: 1969 until: 1970 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [nle]
Pages: 8
Format: 215×165 mm
Notes: Total 4 issues. Succeded by the „Flagmaster“[V]

Title: „Nordisk Flaggkontakt“
(in English: „Nordic Flag Contact“)
Publisher: Nordisk Flagselskab / Nordisk Flaggselskap / Norræna Fánafélagið / Nordiska Flaggsällskapet / Pohjoismaiden Lippuseura / Nordisk Flag Selskab (NFS)
Place: Bergen, Norway
Languages: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, and Finnish
Issued from: 1984 until: 2011 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0109-7539
FOTW bib: [nfk]
Pages: varies: ca. 50
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Until 1997 title in Danish: „Nordisk flagkontakt“[V]

Title: „Nordisk Flaggskrift“
(in English: „Nordic Flag Script“)
Publisher: Nordisk Flagselskab / Nordisk Flaggselskap / Norræna Fánafélagið / Nordiska Flaggsällskapet / Pohjoismaiden Lippuseura / Nordisk Flag Selskab (NFS)
Place: Aalsgaarde, Denmark
Language: Danish
Issued from: 1975 until: 1991 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0108-7916
FOTW bib: [nfs]
Pages: 8-12
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: There was a lapse in publication in the years 1985-1990. Total 14 issues.[V]

Title: „Numizmatiček vijesti“
(in English: „Numismatic News“y)
Publisher: Hrvatsko numizmatičko društvo
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1939 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive partial https://hrcak.srce.hr/numizmatickevijesti
ISSN: 0546-9422
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 60-100
Format: 240×170 mm
Notes: Od god.1,br.1(1939)-god.12,br.23(1965) izdavač: Numizmatičko društvo u Zagrebu.- Ne izlazi 1940-1954, 1975-1978, 1988.-

Title: „Obrana“, Glasilo Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske
(in English: „Defence“, Journal of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia))
Publisher: Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske (MORH)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2000 until: 2004 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 52
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1332-6856
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Vexillological articles in nr. 183, 184 (2004). Merged with „Hrvatski vojnik“ in 2004.

Title: „Оцило“, Гласник Друштва српских грбоносаца “Милош Обилић” [„Ocilo“, Glasnik Društva srpskih grbonosaca “Miloš Obilić”]
(in English: „Firesteel“, Bulletin of the Society of Serbian Armigers “Miloš Obilić”)
Publisher: Друштво српских грбоносаца “Милош Обилић” [Društvo srpskih grbonosaca “Miloš Obilić”]
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Language: Serbian
Issued from: 2009 (active)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: Archive http://www.heraldikasrbija.rs/ocilo/
ISSN: 2560-4422
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 23-76
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: 2014 and 2015 no issues, since 2016 semiannual.

Title: „The Order Quarterly“, The Scholarly Newsletter of The Pitsburgh Order of Vexillology
Publisher: The Pitsburgh Order of Vexillology (POV)
Place: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1974 until: 1975 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 1-11
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: 5 issues from Dec 1974 and June 1975.[V]

Title: „Le Parchemin“, Bulletin bimestriel édité par l’Association royale Office Généalogique er Héraldique de Belgique
(in English: „The Parchment“, Bimonthy Bulletin edited by the Royal Assocation Office Generalogical and Heraldica of Belgium)
Publisher: Association Royale Office Généalogique er Héraldique de Belgique
Place: Bruxelles, Belgium
Language: French
Issued from: 1936 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 96
Format: 23,5×15 cm

Title: „Le Passepoil“, bulletin illustré de la Société d’étude des uniformes
(in English: „The Piping“, Bulletin of the Uniforms Study Society)
Publisher: La Société d’étude des uniformes
Place: Troyes, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1921 until: 1950 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: There was very little on flags, except for an occasional series of articles on French fanions from the First World War, which otherwise went unrecorded. (info thanks to Ian Sumner)

Title: „The Private Signal“
Publisher: The Burgee Data Archives (BDA)
Place: Toronto, ON, Canada
Language: English
Issued from: 1996 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [tps]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „Raven“, A Journal of Vexillology
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Boston, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive https://nava.org/raven-a-journal-of-vexillology/
ISSN: 1071-0043
FOTW bib: [rav]
Pages: varies: ca. 30-250
Format: Half Letter (216×140 mm)
Notes: On-line issue ISSN 2376-8592.[V]

Title: „Српски терминолошки речник хералдике“ [„Srpski terminološki rečnik heraldike“]
(in English: „Serbian terminological dictionary of heraldry“)
Publisher: Српско друштво за хералдику, генеалогију, вексилологијуи фалеристику „Бели орао“ [Srpsko društvo za heraldiku, genealogiju, veksilologijui faleristiku „Beli orao“]
Place: Belgrade, Serbia
Language: Serbian
Issued from: 2001 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 9
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 4
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Discontinued afer numbers.

Title: „Revista Iberoamericana de Heráldica“
(in English: „Iberoamerican Journal of Heraldry“)
Publisher: Colegio Heráldico de España y de las Indias (CHEI)
Place: Madrid, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 1992 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1133-150X
FOTW bib: [rih]
Pages: varies: 160-180
Format: 22×15 cm

Title: „Rodoslovlje“, časopis za genealoge
(in English: „Genealogy“, Journal for Genealogists)
Publisher: Hrvatsko rodoslovno društvo “Pavao Riter Vitezović”
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2006 until: 2006? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Cover page http://www.rodoslovlje.hr/o-radu-drustva/glasilo-drustva/rodoslovlje-1-broj
ISSN: 1846-1328
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 68
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Single number, continued as the „Glasilo HRD’PRV’“.

Title: „SAVA Journal“
Publisher: South African Vexillological Association (SAVA)
Place: Pinegowrie, South Africa
Language: English
Issued from: 1992 until: 2011? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.savaflags.org.za/publications-news-links-sava-flags.php
FOTW bib: [svj]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „SAVA Newsletter“
Publisher: South African Vexillological Association (SAVA)
Place: Pinegowrie, South Africa
Language: English
Issued from: 1991 (active)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: Index of papers, partial http://www.savaflags.org.za/publications-news-links-sava-flags.php
FOTW bib: [sav]
Pages: varies: mostly 16-36
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Schwarzer Löwe“, Publikation der Heraldischen Gesellschaft “Schwarzer Löwe”
(in English: „Black Lion“, Publication of the Heraldic Society “Black Lion”)
Publisher: Heraldischen Gesellschaft “Schwarzer Löwe”
Place: Leipzig, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1985 (active)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 8-30
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Sociedad de estudios genealógicos y heráldico de Canarias Boletín Informativo“
(in English: „Informative Bolletin of the Canarian Geneanlogical and Heraldic Studies Society“)
Publisher: Sociedad de estudios genealógicos y heráldico de Canarias
Place: ?, Spain
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 2018 (active)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 28-64
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Semaphore“, E-Bulletin of the North American Vexillological Association – Le e-Bulletin de l’Association nord-américaine de vexillologie
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Boston, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2013 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://nava.org/semaphore/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ca. 4
Format: e-mail
Notes: e-bulletin[V]

Title: „Societas heraldica scandinavica Nyhedsbrev“
(in English: „Newsletter of the Scandinavian Heraldic Society“)
Publisher: Societas Heraldica Scandinavica (SHS)
Place: København, Denmark
Language: Danish
Issued from: 2004 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial, members only https://heraldik.org/publikationer/nyhedsbrev/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 12
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)

Title: „Skandinavisk Vapenrulla“
(in English: „Scandinavian Roll of Arms“)
Publisher: Skandinavisk Vapenrulla, Kristianstad
Place: Malmö, Sweden
Languages: Swedish, Danish and Norwevian
Issued from: 1963 (active)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: Index of names http://heraldik.org/publikationer/skandinavisk-vapenrulla/register-svr/
FOTW bib: [svr]
Pages: ?
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Since 2011 er published by the Societas Heraldica Scandinavica (SHS).

Title: „Societatea Română de Vexilologie“
(in English: „Romanian Society of Vexillology“)
Publisher: Societatea Română de Vexilologie (SRV)
Place: Bucharest, Romania
Language: Romanian
Issued from: 1998 until: 1998 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [srv]
Pages: 91
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Single number.[V]

Title: „The Standard“
Publisher: Flag Heritage Foundation (FHF)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2002 until: ? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [sdd]
Pages: 2-8
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Stari i novi Zagreb“, Historičke i kulturno-historičke crtice o Zagrebu
(in English: „Old and New Zagreb“, History and Cultural-History Notes on Zagreb)
Publisher: Braća Hrvatskog Zmaja
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1925 until: 1925 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 10
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 32
Format: 210×145 mm
Notes: Emilij Laszowski (editor), issued eventially as a single vol. 39 in the DBHZ library edition. Reprinted 1994.

Title: „Старый цейхгауз“, Российский военно-исторический журнал („Staryi Zeihgauz“, Rossiisii voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal)
(in English: „Old Arsenal“, Russian Military History Journal)
Publisher: Фонд «Русские витязи» (Fond “Russie vityazi”)
Place: Moscow, Russia
Language: Russian
Issued from: 1991 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers https://цейхгауз.рф/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: general military history jounral with occasional herldic and vexillological contents

Title: „Stars and Bars“
Publisher: Confederate States Vexillological Association (CSVA)
Place: Portland, TN, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2001 until: 2007 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [sab]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: [V]

Title: „Sub clypeo“ (Под щитом [Pod schitom]), Геральдический журнал Ильи Емелина [Geral’dicheskiy zhrnal Il’i Emelina]
(in English: „Sub clypeo“ (Under the Shield), Heraldic Journal by Il’ya Emelin, a.k.a. Heraldic scientific-research electronic journal)
Place: Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
Language: Russian
Issued from: 2009 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive http://subclypeo.narod.ru/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 36-40
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Also subtitled “Геральдический научно-развлекательный электронный журнал” (Geral’dicheskiy nauchno-razrazvlekatel’nýiy elektronnýoy zhurnal)

Title: „Symbol und Wirtschaft“, Wirtschaftszeitung für Handel, Industrie und Handwerk der Fachgebiete Fahnen, Abzeichen, Uniformen und sonstige Einheitskleidung, Trachten, Kunststickerei, Paramenten, Andenken und Festartikel)
(in English: „Symbol and Business“, Business Newspaper for Trade, Industry and Crafts Professionals in the Areas of Flags, Badges, Uniforms and other Formal Clothing, Costumes, Artistic Embroidery, Vestments, Mementos and Festive Articles)
Publisher: Buchdruckerei Paul Presuhn
Place: Ebstorf, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1950 until: 1950 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [suw]
Pages: 20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Subtitle also quoted as: Zentralorgan aller an der Symbolik Schaffenden (the Central Organ of all Symbolic Professionals). Total 6 numbers issued.[V]

Title: „Tak tent“, the Heraldry Society of Scotland
(in English: „Take care“)
Publisher: Heraldry Society of Scotland
Place: Edinburgh, Scotland
Language: English
Issued from: 1994 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Der Tappert“
(In English: „The Tabard“)
Publisher: Wappen-Herold, Deutsche Heraldische Gesellschaft e.V.
Place: Stuttgart, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1964 until: 1981 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0082-1705
FOTW bib: [tpp]
Pages: ?
Format: ?

Title: „Te Haki“, Bulletin of the New Zealand Flag Association
(in English: „The Flag“, Bulletin of the New Zealand Flag Association)
Publisher: New Zealand Flag Association (NZFA)
Place: Wellington, New Zealand
Language: English
Issued from: 1999 until: 1999 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Continuation of the FANZ’s „Masthead“. Single number.[V]

Title: „Tradition“
Publisher: Belmont-Maitland Ltd
Place: London, United Kindom
Language: English
Issued from: 1960s until: 1970s (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 48
Notes: Luxurisous general military history journal, with (very) occasional articles on flags.

Title: „Unsere Ahnen“, Mitteilungen d. Gesellschaft für Ahnenkunde
(in English: „Our Ancestors“, Reports of the Genealogy Association)
Publisher: Gesellschaft für Ahnenkunde [Adler]
Place: Wien, Austria
Language: German
Issued from: 1935 until: 1938 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: Succeded „Jahrbuch Adler“ etc.

Title: „Van Schild en Vaan“, vlugschrift van de Noordbrabantse Commissie voor Wapen- en Vlaggenkunde
(in English: „Of Shield and Vane“, Leaflet of the North Brabant Commission for Heraldric and Flag Sciences)
Publisher: Noordbrabantse Commissie voor Wapen- en Vlaggenkunde (NCWV)
Place: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1994 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1382-7057
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 24-56
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Vol. 1 (1994) 24 pages, Vol. 2 (1995) 26 pages, Vol. 3 (1996) 30 pages, Vol. 4 (1997) 48 pages, Vol. 5 (1998) 48 pages + 10 pages index vol. 1-5, Vol. 6 (1999) 54 pages, Vol. 7 (2000) ?, Vol. 8 (2001) ?[V]

Title: „Vapenbilden“, Meddlande från Svenska heraldiska föreningen
(in English: „Coat of Arms Images“, Messages from the Swedish Heraldic Society)
Publisher: Svenska heraldiska föreningen (SHF)
Place: Göteborg, Sweden
Language: Swedish
Issued from: 1976 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive, partial http://heraldik.se/sektioner/vapenbilden/
ISSN: 0349-0602
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-32
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Subtitle varies, since 2001: Forum för Svenska Heraldiska Föreningen (Forum for the Swedish Heraldic Society). Place of issue and format varies, as well.

Title: „VAST News“, The bulletin of the Vexillological association of the State of Texas
Publisher: Vexillological Association of the State of Texas (VAST)
Place: Huston, TX, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2001 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive http://www.texflags.org/bulletin4.htm
FOTW bib: [vtx]
Pages: 20
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Single number, continued numeration as the „National Standard“ in 2012, q.v.[V]

Title: „Velebit“, Glasilo Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske
(in English: „Velebit“, Journal of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia)
Publisher: Ministarstvo obrane Republike Hrvatske (MORH)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1995 until: 2000 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 52
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1330-7517
FOTW bib: —
Pages: ?
Format: 43 cm
Notes: Heraldic articles in nr. 177 (1998), 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200 (1999). Continued as „Obrana“.

Title: „Vesnik Vojnog muzeja“, Vesnik Vojnog muzeja u Beogradu – Bulletin of the Belgrade Military Museum
(in English: „Bulletin“, Bulletin of the Belgrade Military Museum)
Publisher: Vojni muzej Beograd
Place: Beograd, Serbia
Language: Serbian
Issued from: 1954 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Indeks http://www.muzej.mod.gov.rs/sr-lat/muzejska-delatnost/izdanja/vesnik-vojnog-muzeja
ISSN: 0067-5660
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 200
Format: 240×170 mm
Notes: Flag related articles in 2 (1955), 11-12 (1966), 15 (1969), 16 (1970), 17 (1971), 18 (1972), 19-20 (1974), 21-22 (1976), 23-26 (1980), 27 (1981), 28 (1982), 38 (2011), 42 (2015)

Title: „Vexi.info“, Zpravodaj Střediska vexilologických informací
Publisher: Středisko Vexilologických Informací | Flag Data Centre (FDC)
Place: Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1994 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Archive http://www.vexi.info/vexiinfo/index.php
FOTW bib: [vei]
Pages: 4
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: In 94/95 titled „Informace“, last two 1995 numbers (26 and 27) „Vexilologické Informace“, with occaisonal supplements [+] and issues in Russian [R]; Gif 1 str 1-27, PDF 28-125[V]

Title: „Vexil·la Catalana“
(in English: „Catalonian Flags“)
Publisher: Associació Catalana de Vexil·lologia (ACV)
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Language: Catalan
Issued from: 1984 until: 1990 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.vexi.cat/que-fem/publicacions/
FOTW bib: [vxc]
Pages: varies: 32-44
Format: 240×170 mm
Notes: Total 5 numbers. Continued by Second Series in 1995.[V]

Title: „Vexil·la Catalana“ (2nd Series) a. k. a. „BanCAT“
(in English: „Catalonian Flags“)
Publisher: Associació Catalana de Vexil·lologia (ACV)
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Language: Catalan
Issued from: 1995 until: 2004 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.vexi.cat/que-fem/publicacions/
FOTW bib: [vxc]
Pages: varies: 20-44
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Number 6-9. Continued numbering from the 1985-1990 „Vexil·la Catalana“. An alternative short title „BanCAT“. Issued as MS Acess database files.[V]

Title: „Vexil·la Catalana“, Època 3
(in English: „Catalonian Flags“, 3rd Era)
Publisher: Associació Catalana de Vexil·lologia (ACV)
Place: Barcelona, Spain
Language: Catalan
Issued from: 2021 (active)
Annual frequency: ?
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 50
Format: A4 (297×210 mm) landscape
Notes: Continued „Vexil·la Catalana“, and „Vexil·la Catalana“ (BanCAT). [V]

Title: „Vexilla Belgica“
(in English: „Belgian Flags“)
Publisher: Societas Vexillologica Belgica (SVB)
Place: Bruxelles, Belgium
Languages: French and Dutch
Issued from: 1977 until: 1993 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0772-3261
FOTW bib: [vxb]
Pages: varies: ca. 120 (20-194)
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 13 issues.[V]

Title: „Vexilla Helvetica“
(in English: „Swiss Flags“)
Publisher: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Fahnen und Flaggenkunde (SGFF) / Société Suisse de Vexillologie (SSV) / Società Svizzera di Vessillologia (SSV)
Place: Zurich, Switzerland
Languages: German and French
Issued from: 1969 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://www.vexilla.ch/Vexilla_vexilla.html
ISSN: 1424-5841
FOTW bib: [vxh]
Pages: ca. 200
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Last issue 44/2019, in preparations 45/2021[V]

Title: „Vexilla Italica“
(in English: „Italian Flags“)
Publisher: Centro Italiano Studi Vessillologici (CISV)
Place: Lucca, Italy
Language: Italian
Issued from: 1973 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Index of papers, partial http://www.cisv.it/giallo/vexitcont.html
FOTW bib: [vxi]
Pages: varies: ca. 20-50
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Nr 77 contains an index[V]

Title: „Vexilla Nostra“, studie- en documentatieorgaan voor banistiek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde
(in English: „Our Flags“, Study and Documentation Organ for Banistics of the Dutch Association for Flag Studies)
Publisher: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde (NVvV), Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek (SBH)
Place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1966 until: 2008 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Index of papers, partial https://web.archive.org/web/20061002061057/http://home.wxs.nl/~marksens/nvvv/vn.htm
ISSN: 1382-2497
FOTW bib: [vxn]
Pages: varies: ca. 24
Format: varies: A4 (1966-1968; 1976-1979) and A5 (1969-1976; 1999-2008)
Notes: Since 1997 (Vol. 32, 1/208) titled „Vlaggentijdschrift Vexilla Nostra“. Continued as „Vlag!“ in 2008.[V]

Title: „Vexilla Notizie“, Bolletino informativo riservato ai Soci Centro Italiano Studi Vessillologici
(in English: „News on Flags“)
Publisher: Centro Italiano Studi Vessillologici (CISV)
Place: Milan, Italy
Language: Italian
Issued from: 2002 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.cisv.it/giallo/vexillanot.html
FOTW bib: [vxz]
Pages: 4
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vexillacta“, Périodique international édited par CIVIC Centre d’information vexillologique
Publisher: Centre d’information vexillologique (CIVIC)
Place: Verviers, Belgium
Language: French
Issued from: 1998 until: 2004 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [vxl]
Pages: 16-28
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: total 22 issues (1997:0 under the name “CIVIC”, special number July 99 after nr. 4/99, last nr. 20 March 04)[V]

Title: „Vexillinfo“
Publisher: Societas Vexillologica Belgica (SVB)
Place: Bruxelles, Belgium
Languages: French and Dutch
Issued from: 1980 until: 1990 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 0772-3253
FOTW bib: [vxf]
Pages: 2-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 126 issues.[V]

Title: „The Vexillo-File“
Publisher: Flag Research Center (FRC)
Place: Winchester, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2002 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [tvf]
Pages: 2-4
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Supplement to „The Flag Bulletin“, starting with nr. 203, total 3(?) numbers.[V]

Title: „Vexilloid Tabloid“, Portland Flag Association Publication
Publisher: Portland Flag Association (PFA)
Place: Portland, OR, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 1999 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Archive https://portlandflag.org/vexilloid-tabloid/
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2-12
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vexillologia“, Bulletin de l’Assoication Française d’Etudes Internationales de Vexillologie
(in English: „Vexillologia“, Bulletin of the French Association of Internation Studies of Vexillology)
Publisher: Association française d’études internationale de vexillologie (AFEIV)
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1967 until: 1975 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, members only https://www.drapeaux-sfv.org/bulletin/vexillologia-1967-1975/
FOTW bib: [vxa]
Pages: varies: ca. 32
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Nr. 1/1967 published by Association Française d’Etudes de Vexillologie (AFEV); Until 1969 publisher named Association internationale d’études vexillologique (AIEV).[V]

Title: „Vexillologie. Info recherche“
(in English: „Vexillology. Research information“)
Publisher: Michael Corbic (ed.)
Place: Paris, France
Language: French
Issued from: 1991 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [vir]
Pages: 8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Title since nr. 51 „Vexillologie. Infos recherches“, nr. 93-97 „Les dossiers du monde“, 114 issues by 2020, mostly front page and 8 hand colored tables. Nr. 8 (1993) and 17 (1995) with a suplementary table, and nr 100 (2016) on 16 tables and 1 page. Printed per request, max. of 10 copies, hand painted in water color.[V]

Title: „Vexillology Ireland: Brateolaíocht Éireann (VIBE) Newsletter“, Biannual newsletter of Vexillology Ireland – a branch of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
Publisher: Genealogical Society of Ireland (GSI), Vexillology Ireland branch
Place: Dublin, Ireland
Language: English
Issued from: 2013 until: 2017? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial https://flagsireland.wordpress.com/vibe-newsletter/
ISSN: 2009-6437
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 2-12
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Vexilloteca“
Publisher: Mario Fabretto
Place: Monfalcone, Italy
Language: Italian
Issued from: 1994 until: 1996? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [vxt]
Pages: varies: ca. 20
Format: eps files
Notes: Published electronically on 3,5″ diskettes with ca. 20 EPS files of flags per issue- WCL holds (info Ian Sumner) disks labeled: Demonstration copy, Flag images (three, numbered 1-3), ‘Flags’ with the hand-written date 14/6/1994, Flags of Brazil, Cambodia & Lao, Canadian provinces, Flags of Portugal, Cantone svizzera, US States (two), Flags of Yugoslavia (from XIX century)[V]

Title: „Vexillum“, Research and news of the North American Vexillological Association | Recherche et nouvelles de l’Association nord-américaine de vexillologie
Publisher: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA)
Place: Boston, MA, USA
Language: English
Issued from: 2018 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 24
Format: Letter (279×215 mm)
Notes: Succeded the „NAVA News“ and the „Flag Research Quarterly“.[V]

Title: „Vexiloargentina“
Publisher: Francisco Gregoric (ed.)
Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Language: Spanish
Issued from: 2016 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 32-44
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Succeded „Estandarte“.[V]

Title: „Vexil’Òc“, Revista occitana de vexilologia
Publisher: Joan Francés Blanc (ed.)
Place: Toulouse, France
Languages: French and Occitan
Issued from: 1997 until: 2016? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive, partial http://vexiloc.tripod.com/
ISSN: 2117-9166
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vexilokontakt“, Česká vexilologická ročenka | the Yearbook of the Czech Vexillological Society
Publisher: Česká vexilologická společnost (CVS) and Středisko Vexilologických Informací | Flag Data Centre (FDC)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: English
Issued from: 1997 until: 2018? (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.vexilologie.cz/cvs/vexilokontakt/index.php
FOTW bib: [vxk]
Pages: varies
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Different from the Vexilokontakt issued in Czech, that one being a irregular supplement to Vexilologie, q. v.[V]

Title: „Vexilolog“, Soukromý vexilologický zpravodaj
Publisher: Josef Hubka (ed.)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 2001 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilolo/index.php
FOTW bib: [vlo]
Pages: 4-8
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vexilologický dopis“, členům Vexilologického klubu při OKD Praha 3
(in English: „Vexillological Letters“ to the Members of the Vexillological Club at the District Cultural House Prague 3)
Publisher: Vexilologický klub při OKD [Obvodní kulturní dům] Praha 3 (today ‘Česká Vexilologická společnost, CVS)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1976 until: 1993 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilodopisy/index.php
ISSN: 1531-1783
FOTW bib: [vlt]
Pages: 3-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: aka „Vexillological Letters“. Pavel Fojtík and Pavel Pejcha (eds.) Succeded in 1993 as „Změny a doplňky“[V]

Title: „Vexilologický lexikon“
Publisher: Středisko Vexilologických Informací | Flag Data Centre (FDC) and Das Flaggenkabinett, Berlin
Place: Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1996 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Index of papers https://www.vexi.info/vexilexi/index.php
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Subseries: “Vexilologické společnosti a aktivity” [SA] (1), “Vexilologické nazivoslovi” [VN] (1), “Prapori obcy ČR” [PO] (10), “Vlajky obci ČR” [VO] (17), “Symboly krajů ČR” [SK] (1), “Vlajky městských častí” [VM] (2)[V]

Title: „Vexilologie“, Zpravodaj České Vexilologické Společnosti
Publisher: Česká vexilologická společnost (CVS)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1972 (active)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: Archive http://www.vexilologie.cz/cvs/vexilologie/index.php
ISSN: 1211-2615
FOTW bib: [vex]
Pages: ca. 16
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: Includes occasional supplement Vexilokontakt [V] in Czech (15 issues, different from English issue of the same name, q. v.), and occasional supplement Příloha [P] (1), occasional index issues (Rejstříky) [R] (8)[V]

Title: „Vitezović“, mjesečnik za genealogiju, biografiju, heraldiku i sfragistiku
(in English: „Vitezović“, Monthly for Genealogy, Biography, Heraldry and Sfragistics)
Publisher: Tisak i naklada tiskare C Albrechta (Jos. Wittasek)
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 1903 until: 1905 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 2459-9301
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 16-24
Format: 25 cm
Notes: Individual numbers 1 through 10 (1903-1904), nr. 11-12 (1904), and 1, 2-3 (1905) – total 13 issues.

Title: „Vlag!“, Voortzetting van Vexilla Nostra (1966) Vlaggenlijn (1998)
(in English: „Flag!“, Continuation of Our Flags (1966) [and] Halyard (1998))
Publisher: Stichting Vlaggenparade Rotterdam (SVPR), Stichting Vlaggenmuseum Nederland (SVN), Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde (NVvV)
Place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 2008 (active)
Annual frequency: 2
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://vlaggenkunde.nl/tijdschrift-vlag/
ISSN: 1877-167X
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 20-32
Format: 265×210 mm
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vlaggen“, informatie en documentatie over vlaggen
(in English: „Flags“, information and documentation on flags)
Publisher: Anton Jansen
Place: Den Haag, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1979 until: 1998 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [vlg]
Pages: 16
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Total 102 issues (Sept/Oct 1979 – 102/1998). Joined with VDCN’s „Info Bulletin“ in 1999 and continued as „Vlaggen-Info“.[V]

Title: „Vlaggenbrief“
(in English: „Flag Letter“ [i.e. Ship’s Certificate of Registration])
Publisher: Shipmate Vlag Produktie bv
Place: Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
Languages: Dutch and English
Issued from: 1988 until: 2005 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 4
Format: A3 (420×297 mm)
Notes: Known issues 2/1989, 10 / najaar (autumn) 1992, 15 / vorjaar (spring) 2001, 16 / 2002, 19/ 2005. See also related title „Logbook“[V]

Title: „Vlaggen-Info“
(in English: „Flag-Info“)
Publisher: Vlaggen Documentatie Centrum Nederland (VDCN)
Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Languages: Dutch and English
Issued from: 2000 until: 2001 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [vli]
Pages: ?
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vlaggenlijn“
(in English: „Halyard“)
Publisher: Stichting Vlaggenmuseum Nederland (SVN)
Place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Issued from: 1998 until: 2008 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 6-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Issued as a long sheet folded into 6 pages (“gatefolded”), since at least nr. 14 on 8 pages normally bound. Joined with „Vexilla Nostra“ into „Vlag!“ in 2008[V]

Title: „Vlaštovka“, Newsletter České vexilologické společnosti
(In English: „Swallow“ [-tailed flag], Newsletter of the Czech Vexillological Society)
Publisher: Česká vexilologická společnost (CVS)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Languages: Czech and English
Issued from: 2020 (active)
Annual frequency: irregular
Web presence: Archive https://us20.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=cd57a78194814392f8396fb15&id=54a4ae06f5
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: 8
Format: e-mail
Notes: [V]

Title: „Vojna povijest“, Magazin za vojnu povijest
(in English: „Military History“, Journal for Military History)
Publisher: Večernji list
Place: Zagreb, Croatia
Language: Croatian
Issued from: 2011 (active)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: Archive https://www.scribd.com/lists/4376908/VP-magazin-za-vojnu-povijest
ISSN: 1848-0284
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 80
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: General military history magazine, includes some vexillological and heraldic topics.

Title: „Der Wappen-Löwe“
(In English: „The Armorial Lion“)
Publisher: Der Wappen-Löwe Heraldische Gesellschaft e.V.
Place: München, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1981 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Web http://www.wappen-loewe.de/
ISSN: 0931-5667
FOTW bib: [wap]
Pages: varies
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)

Title: „Weksylia“, Dwumiesięcznik Instytutu Heraldyczno-Weksylologicznego / Bimonthly of the Instytut Heraldyczno-Weksylologiczny [Flags Flaggen Vlajky Bandiere Banderas]
(in English: „Vexilloids“, Bimonthly of the Instytut Heraldyczno-Weksylologiczny)
Publisher: Instytut Heraldyczno-Weksylologiczny (IHW)
Place: Górki Wielkie, Poland
Languages: Polish and English
Issued from: 2015 until: 2015 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Archive, partial https://www.academia.edu/23263832/WEKSYLIA_NUMER_4
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 28
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: No. 1- January-February 2015, No. 2 – March-April 2015, No. 3 – May June 2015 and No. 4 July-September 2015. Issued on CDs and very limited paper issues.[V]

Title: „Weksyliana“, Biuletyn informacyjny rynku flagowo – heraldycznego
Publisher: Centrum Flagi Ziemi (CFZ) | Earth Flag Center
Place: Warshaw, Poland
Language: Polish
Issued from: 1997 until: 2002 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: irregular, ca. 4
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://www.weksylologia.pl/biuletyn-PTW.php
ISSN: 1505-3784
FOTW bib: [wks]
Pages: 1-4
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Also spelled „Weksyli@na“.[V]

Title: „Zápisník Vexilologie“, Soukromý zapravodaj o vlajkách, praporech a jiných symbolech
(in English: „Notes of Vexillology“, A Private Newsletter on Flags, Banners and Other Symbols)
Publisher: Karel Černý (ed.)
Place: Plzeň, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1994 (active)
Annual frequency: 1 (occasionally 2)
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.vexilologie.cz/zapivexi/c01.php
FOTW bib: [zap]
Pages: 32
Format: A5 (210×149 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Zastavoslovni bilten“
(in English: „Vexillological Bulletin“)
Publisher: Heraldično, genealoško in veksilološko društvo “Slovenski ščit”, Veksilološka sekcija
Place: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Language: Slovenian
Issued from: 1993 until: 1993 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: —
Pages: 20
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]

Title: „Zászlómúzeumi tájékoztató – Bulletin of the Flag Museum“, Balogh Gyűjtemány – Balogh Collection
Publisher: Zászlómúzeum – Balogh Gyűjtemény / Flag Museum – Balogh Collection
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Language: Hungarian
Issued from: 1996 (active)
Annual frequency: 3-4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [zmt]
Pages: 4-8
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Titile changed often (not including minor typos): Vol. 1 (6) July 1995: „Balogh Gyűjtemény Tájékoztatója“, from 2 (2) Feb 1996: „Balogh Gyűjtemény és Zászlómúzeum“, from 4 (1) 1998: „Balogh Gyűjtemény és Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója“, from 4 (3) 1998: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója“, from 4 (5) 1998: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója (Balogh)“, from 6 (2) 2000: „Zászlók (Flags)“, from 7 (4) 2000: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója“, from 8 (1) 2003: „Zászlók (Flag’s)“, from 8 (3) 2003: „Zászlók“, from 9 (3) 2004: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója“, from at least 10 (1) 2007: „Zászlómúzeumi Tájékoztató / Bulletin of Flag Museum“, from 12 (2) 2008: „Zászlómúzeum / Flag Museum“, from 15 (1) 2011: „Zászlómúzeumi Tájékoztató / Bulletin of Flag Museum“, from 16 (1) 2011: „Zászlómúzeumi Tájékoztató / Bulletin of Flag Museum“, from 17 (1) 2011: „Zászlómúzeumi Tájékoztató / Bulletin of the Flag Museum“, from 20 (4) 2016: „Zászlómúzeumi Tájékoztatója / Bulletin of the Flag Museum“, from 21 (2) 2017: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója / Bulletin of the Flag Museum“, from 21 (4) 2017: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója / Bulletin of Flag Museum“, from 23 (5) 2019: „Zászlómúzeum Tájékoztatója / Flag Museum Information“, from 24 (4) 2019: „Zászlómúzeum Info / Flag Museum Info“, from 25 (2) 2021: „Balogh zászló gyűjtemény info / Balogh Flag Colletion Info“. Publisher was named first Magyar Vexillológiai Társaság/Hungarian Vexillological Association (HUVA) until 1995 and Zászlókutató Intézet (ZI) until 2000, and Balogh Gyűjtemény-Balogh Collection ever since.[V]

Title: „Zászlóvilág – Flagworld“
Publisher: Magyarországi Zászló Társaság (MZT) – Hungarian Flag Society
Place: Budapest, Hungary
Languages: Hungarian and English
Issued from: 1994 until: 1996 (discontinued)
Annual frequency: 4
Web presence: ?
FOTW bib: [tsv]
Pages: varies: ca. 40
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Publisher was named Magyar Vexillológiai Társaság/Hungarian Vexillological Association (HUVA) until 1995 and Zászlókutató Intézet (ZI) until 2000.[V]

Title: „Zeitschrift für Heeres- und Uniformkunde“
(in English: „Journal for Army and Uniform Lore“)
Publisher: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Heereskunde e.V.
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1929 (active)
Annual frequency: 6
Web presence: Index of papers http://www.heereskunde.de/indeks.php?id=169
ISSN: 0044-2852
FOTW bib: [zhk]
Pages: ?
Format: ?
Notes: In 1929 named „Gesellschaft für Heereskunde – Mitteilungen“, 1930-1933, 1961-1962, and since 1965 „Zeitschrift für Heereskunde“; 1934-1945 and 1952-1964 as „Zeitschrift für Heeres- und Uniformkunde“, not issued 1945-1952. Previously issued in Hamburg. The pubnlisher issued 1902-1914 the illustrated journal „Ueberall“.

Title: „Die Zinnfigur“, Zeitschrift der KLIO, Deutsche Gesellschaft der Freudne und Sammler kulturhistorischer Zinfiguren e. V.
(in English: „The Tin Figure“, Jornal of KLIO, German Association of Friends and Collectors of Cultural-Historical Tin Figures)
Publisher: KLIO, Deutsche Gesellschaft der Freudne und Sammler kulturhistorischer Zinfiguren e. V.
Place: Berlin, Germany
Language: German
Issued from: 1926 (active)
Annual frequency: 12
Web presence: ?
ISSN: 1434-4890
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies: ca. 50
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Tin figures collectiors magazine, with occasional articles on flags. Frequency initiall 12, latter 10 and since 2005. 9 per annum.

Title: „Změny a doplňky“
(in English: „Changes and Additions“)
Publisher: Česká vexilologická společnost (CVS)
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Issued from: 1993 (active)
Annual frequency: 1
Web presence: Archive http://www.vexilologie.cz/vexilodopisy/index.php
FOTW bib: —
Pages: varies (ca. 20)
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: Jaroslav Martykán (ed.) Preceded by „Vexilologický dopis“[V]

Title: „Знак“, вісник Українського геральдичного товариства [„Znak“, Visnik Ukrains’kogo geral’dičnogo tovaristva]
(in English: „The Sign“, Newsletter of the Ukrainian Heraldic Society)
Publisher: Українське Геральдичне Товариство (УГТ) [Ukrayins’ke Heral’dychne Tovarystvo (UHT)]
Place: L’viv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Issued from: 1993 (active)
Annual frequency: 3
Web presence: Archive, partial; Index of papers http://uht.org.ua/ua/articles/znak/
ISSN: 1998-1651
FOTW bib: [znk]
Pages: 12
Format: A4 (297×210 mm)
Notes: [V]
Updated: 19.06.2022. — 09:00