Young Heraldist Gets the AIH Sponsorship for the Congress in France

AIH: Academie internationale d’heraldique

Our young member, recently graduated historian Marko Radeljić was awarded the sponsorship of the International Academy of Heraldry (Academie internationale d’heraldique, AIH)for participation of young researchers at the 33rd International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences (33ICGHS), 2 – 5 October 2018 in Arras, France.

33e Congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique Arras, France

33 Congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique Arras, France

After the success of the AIH sponsorship introduced for the first time for the previous Congress in Glasgow two years ago, the Academy issued a new call for applications to young students or recently graduated baccalaureates, masters or doctors with the topic in heraldry or closely related subject. The AIH secured four stipends in the amount of 850€ for travel, accommodation and registration at the Congress. Preference was given to submissions relevant to the conference theme (‘Heraldry between War and Peace’)

It is expected that recipients will give a lecture at the Arras Congress of 20 min + 10 min for questions and provide the paper for the proceedings, consist of 30 000 characters with a dozen of illustrations, in accordance with the general Congress rules.

Mr. Radeljić submitted his proposed paper, after his graduation thesis “Medieval stone coat of arms of the City of Šibenik” he defended in May at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb, under the menthorship by Dr. Tomislav Galović, adapted for the Congress topic and focused to a fresh methodological approach: “The Usage of Heraldry in Historical Research: How the Outcomes of War Affected Heraldry in Medieval Sibenik (Croatia)”.

The Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association (HGZD) forwarded the AIH call to students and young researches doing heraldic research in Croatia. We welcome the Radeljić’s success and wholeheartedly congratulate him. We are convinced that he shall most appropriately present Croatian heraldry and our Association at the Congress. As we promised when forwarding the AIH call, the HGZD decided to support Radeljić’s attendance at the Congress with a single award in the amount of 100€, for his pocket money to spend as he see fit during his travel and stay at the Congress.

The modest financial support is within our possibilities, although symbolic, it is supporting the AIH goals and we hope it shall promote future participation of our young researchers to congresses, and promote the heraldic science among them, being one of our Association’s declared statutory goals.

We congratulate and wish to Mr. Radeljić a successful participation at the Congress. We hope it will serve him as an interesting experience of which we shall gladly hear stories once he returns.

Attached we have the pleasure to publish the summary of the submitted paper.

Marko Radeljić, mag. univ. hist.

The Usage of Heraldry in Historical Research: How the Outcomes of War Affected Heraldry in Medieval Sibenik (Croatia)


The presentation will be dealing with the possibility of heraldry, as a discipline sui generis, to play an important part in historical research. In this case, an example will be given based on the research of the medieval stone heraldry in Sibenik. So far, at least in Croatian historiography, coats of arms have been studied in a traditional heraldic way, which is preoccupied with their identification, or were studied by art historians, whose main interest is their design and style. This research combines these two methodologies, and, in addition, incorporates the contextualization of coats of arms into the urban space of medieval Sibenik. Such an approach allowed the reconstruction of some of the aspects of the social relations and social topography of the medieval Sibenik`s populace. Also, combined methodologies allowed a narrowing down of the dating frame and possible attributions; as a result, some of the coats of arms were identified for the first time.

The contextualization of coats of arms into urban space offered a different perspective of their usage as communication objects. The urban development of Sibenik started in the 11th century; however, up until the 15th century, the city underwent numerous, almost constant wars and was subjected to various political powers. This political instability finally came to an end in 1412, when the Republic of Venice established its dominion over the commune of Sibenik, which lasted until the fall of La Serenissima in 1796. Although the city lost its autonomy, the 15th and 16th centuries mark a period of its rapid development: under the patronage of Venice, the most representative municipal structures were built. Venice officials as well as the bishops of Sibenik started displaying their personal coats of arms on these buildings to emphasize their contributions to certain construction projects. As a result, the local nobility started displaying their own coats of arms upon private palaces; these coats of arms imitated the stone-cutting style introduced by Venice officials, and therefore communicated the loyalty of the local populace to the victor of the war. On the other hand, some refused to appropriate this new ‘’trend’’, thus stating their rejection of the Venetian cultural milieu.

Through the presentation, these arguments will be outlined and accompanied by pictures and maps showing how the stylistic analysis of coats of arms could lead to a better understanding of the relation between the victorious ruler and his subjects. The main goal of the presentation is to emphasize the possibilities of the interpretation and usage of heraldry in historical sciences.