The New HGZD Statutes

Grb HGZD-aBecause of the prescriptions of the new law regulating civil associations in Croatia, HGZD had to introduce some changes into the text of its original Statutes, first adopted on the Establishing Assembly on 4 May 2006.

The legislator prescribed various new obligatory elements of civil associations statutes, that our old Statutes already, for the most part, included, even if they were not part of the then obligatory legal minimum. Therefore the new elements that we had to add to the Statutes include mostly  the prescriptions regarding the office of liquidator in case of the cessation of society activities (Art. 37). The Art. 6 is amended with the defined area of society activities (according to the legally prescribed categorization), and the Atr. 7 was amended in regard with organization of trips, to conform with adequate regulations (Atr. 6 of the Low on Provision of Services in Tourism, NN 68/07, 88/10, 30/14, 89/14 i 152/14, while the Atr. 8 now includes explicitly the fields of the membership list (that now obligatory has to include the OIB, national personal identification number. The procedural elements on convening of the Assembly were detailed in the Art. 16 and its conducting procedures in the Art. 17. Other minor cosmetic changes were performed in various articles, following the guidelines by the City Office for General Administration, which leads the public register of associations. The opportunity of statutory changes was used to correct the previous typo in the society’s English name in the Art. 2 and to describe the society’s seal more precisely in the Art. 5. The Art. 17 now includes explicit possibility for convening the Assembly in electronic meeting.

The HGZD indeed held its 9th extraordinary annual assembly through an electronic meeting on 18 July 2015 and within legal deadline adopted and submitted its new Statutes to the registration procedure in the Registry of Associations of the Republic of Croatia. Due to the overwhelmed process in the City Office for General Administration, competent for the registration in the City of Zagreb, as numerous associations had to submit amendments by the same deadline, the procedure lasted quite a bit. The new Statutes was certified, i.e. the decision on registration in the Registry was issued on 13 April 2016.

The new HGZD Statutes is available (in Croatian) among our  Documents.