»Heraldica Turopoliensis« Exhibition in Velika Gorica, 14.12.2012

»Heraldica Turopoliensis« Velika Gorica, 2012.

»Heraldica Turopoliensis« Velika Gorica, 2012.

In the Turopolje Museum in Velika Gorica, on 14 December 2012, the exhibition »Heraldica Turopoliensis« was ceremonially opened. The region of Turopolje, south of Zagreb, with its numerous historical nobility is an inexhaustible source for heraldic research, from the nobility letter patents and their coats of arms to the modern visual identities (arms of cities, regions, associations, sport clubs etc.) The exhibition displays the original letter patents from Turopolje from the Museum collection, which were recently renovated and are glowing with all new shimmer. Also some letter patents from private collections may be seen for the first time in public. Photographs of letter patents from the Croatian State Archives as well as stone arms and arms on flags are also displayed.

On the same occasion the Turopolje Museum presented its electronic database of coats of arms, from which the interested citizens may get prints of family arms and the relevant data collected in the Museum. The exhibition was open until April 2013.

(The photos below and the text after http://www.muzej-turopolja.hr/heraldica-turopoliensis.html)

»Heraldica Turopoliensis« Velika Gorica, 2012. »Heraldica Turopoliensis« Velika Gorica, 2012. »Heraldica Turopoliensis« Velika Gorica, 2012.