Opening of the exhibition “Norwgian Flags”, the “Zvonimir” Gallery, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, 17.2.2005.
The exhibition of the Croatian-Norwegian Society »Željko Takač« (Hrvatsko-norveško društvo »Željko Takač«, HNDŽT) was prepared by Željko Heimer on the occasion of marking of the centenary of Norwegian independence and shows through some 40 posters the current Norwegian national, state, royal and military flags, flags of the counties and development of the flags through history since 1748 until today. The Norwegian flags through history by its design recount the story of obtaining Norwegian independence in 1905, by symbolically showing the status of the Norwegian state since the Danish colony, through the personal union with Sweden in which Norway was gradually gaining ever more rights, until the complete independence, and further on through other crucial event of the 20th century such as the World War II.
The exhibition is originally prepared in Croatian and English languages, and for its display in Norway, the text were translated and adapted by Jan Oskar Engene, the editor of the magazine »Nordisk Flaggkontakt« issued by the Nordic Flag Society (Nordisk Flaggselskap, NFS).
The exhibition is opened in Brekstad, the center of the
Ørland Commune, with which the HNDŽT has established fruitful contacts for years, and where Heimer spent a year in student exchange in 1992. The exhibition that was first shown to the public in February 2005 in the Ministry of Defence Gallery »Zvonimir« in Zagreb, shall now be displayed in the medieval castle of Austratt just outside Brekstad, on the occasion of celebration of 350th anniversary of the castle. The royal visit is announced in the occasion.
The exhibition shall be opened on 18 June 2006 in presence of the author, the officials and public of the Ørland Commune and the neighborhood and we hope to see there also a representative of the Nordic Flag Society.
More on the exhibition see at the exhibtion pages.