In the begining of December the »Grb i zastava« was printed, its № 28, November 2020, in its Volume XIV, soon to be posted to abonoments addresses. Additionbal copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced our Association activities, just as it […]
Tag: seal
Lectury by Matea Brstilo Rešetar in the Croatian Nobility Union, 20.03.2017.
In the remises of the Croatian Nobility Union, Teslina ulica 13/1, Zagreb, on Monday, 20 March 2017 at 18:30h Matea Brstilo Rešetar, HGZD secretary, director of the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb and senior custodian of its Heraldry and Sphragistics Collection will hold a lecture titled Heraldry and Sphragistics Collection of the Croatian History Museum […]