Tag: Radeljić

Marko Radeljić

World Vexillology Day and the 15th HGZD Anniversary Marked During the 6th Congress of Croatian Historians in Rijeka

6. kongres hrvatskih povjesničara Rijeka 1.10.2021.

The World Vexillology Day on 1 October and the 15th Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Assocation (HGZD) Anniversary (2006 – 2021) were marked during the 6th Congress of Croatian Historians in Rijeka between 29 November and 2 october 2021 with the overall topic “Culture”, during the section “Auxilary History Sciences and Source research Practices”. The section moderators […]

Young Heraldist Gets the AIH Sponsorship for the Congress in France

Our young member, recently graduated historian Marko Radeljić was awarded the sponsorship of the International Academy of Heraldry (Academie internationale d’heraldique, AIH)for participation of young researchers at the 33rd International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences (33ICGHS), 2 – 5 October 2018 in Arras, France. After the success of the AIH sponsorship introduced for the […]