Tag: Popovčić

Josip Popovčić

»Grb i zastava« № 14 Issued

A new issue of our magazine “Grb i zastava” was printed these days and our members may expect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the contents we highlight: On the front page a piece from the exhibition in the Turopolje Museum, held at […]

»Heraldica Turopoliensis« Exhibition in Velika Gorica, 14.12.2012

In the Turopolje Museum in Velika Gorica, on 14 December 2012, the exhibition »Heraldica Turopoliensis« was ceremonially opened. The region of Turopolje, south of Zagreb, with its numerous historical nobility is an inexhaustible source for heraldic research, from the nobility letter patents and their coats of arms to the modern visual identities (arms of cities, […]