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100 Columns of Vexillology in »Hrvatski vojnik«

Hrvatski vojnik 494: 47.

The last issue of »Hrvatski vojnik« (The Croatian Soldier), the first Croatian professional military magazine, bi-weekly journal of the Ministry of Defence, published the hundredth column titled “Veksilologija” (Vexillology) by Željko Heimer. This sequel is a kind of summary and review of so far published. The magazine is available on http://www.hrvatski-vojnik.hr/pdfmagazin/hv_494.pdf, and there are also […]

»Vexillology« Column in »Hrvatski vojnik« (3), 2014

Following the series of 44 installments of the »Veksilologija« (Vexillology) column in 2012 i 2013 godini, Željko Heimer continued to write for the Ministry of Defence magazine in 2014 as well, with 26 new articles in the issues № 438 through 463. The articles are available in the  »Hrvatski vojnik« on-line archives, i.e. directly at […]