Tag: Kokan

Božo Kokan

Symposium »Semiology of the Defensive Homeland War«, Zadar, 5.12.2013

The symposium »Semiology of the defensive Homeland War« organized by the University of Zadar and the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association was held in the ceremonial hall of the University of Zadar on 5 December 2013. Book of Abstracts »Semiologija obrambenoga Domovinskog rata«, Zadar, 5.12.2013. (pdf, HR) Schedule: 9:30-10:00 – Reception OPENING CEREMONY 10:00 Addresses […]

New Book: The Symbols of the Winners

A monography by Božo Kokan titled “Znakovi pobjednika – monografija crteža hrvatskih ratnih vojnih znakova” (The Symbols of the Winners – a monography of Croatian war military symbols) was published by “Školska knjiga”. On 195 pages there are shown designer’s work of this author who from the very begging of the Homeland War develops successfully […]