Tag: knighthood

»Grb i zastava« № 35 Issued

The № 35 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVIII, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«: I’ll start right away without any false modesty with the joy that the two books I’ve been working […]

Lectures by Davor Zovko in the Tower over the Stone Gates, 08.06.2017.

Davor Zovko u Zmajskoj kuli, 08.06.2017.

The Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association in co-operation with the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon had the pleasure to host the acknowledged Croatian heraldic artist working in Sweden, Mr. Davor Zovko, who held a series of lectures in the attractive premises of the Dragon Tower over the Stone Gates in Zagreb, on Thursday, […]

New Book Davor Zovko: »Knighthood Today«, Naklada sv. Antuna, Zagreb, 2016.

Zovko: Viteštvo danas, Naklada Sv. Antuna, Zagreb, 2016.

A new book by Swedish and Croaian heraldist Davor Zovko, issued by the St. Anthony Publishing House Zagreb, presents phaleristic and history of knightly orders, two disciplines close to both heraldry and vexillology, and includes several chapters directly on heraldry (e.g. describing knightly insignia in coats of arms). Besides one may find coats of arms […]