Tag: Finland

12th International Flag Art Festival Zagreb “Identity of Europe (Europe Intimately)” August 2020

The 12th International Flag Festival was held in Zagreb from 10 to 20 August 2020. With the support of the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb and the City of Zagreb, 350 art flags from about 20 countries of the world, prepared for this year’s and previous festivals, are on display in the center. […]

»Vexillology« Column in »Hrvatski vojnik« (2), 2013

Following the series of the 18 installments of the »Veksilologija« (Vexillology) column in 2012, Željko Heimer continued to write for the Ministry of Defence magazine in 2013. with 26 new articles in the issues № 412 through 437. The articles are available in the on-line arhivi »Hrvatskog vojnika«, i.e. directly at the following links (here titles are translated […]