Tag: Crnica

Fra Ante Crnica (1892. – 1969.)

Lecture by Željko Heimer: »Legends and Theories on the Origin of the Croatian Chequy Arms«, Zagreb tourist guides education, 14.03.2018

Predavanje Željko Heimer: »Legende i teorije o porijeklu hrvatskog šahiranog grba«, ciklus doobrazovanja Društva turističkih vodiča Zagreba i srednjohrvatske makroregije, 14.03.2018.

In the series of lectures for development education of the Tourist Gudes Association of Zagreb and the Central Croatian Macroregion (DTVZ), third year in the row, Željko Heimer held a lecture, on this occasion titled »Legends and Theories on the Origin of the Croatian Chequy Arms«.   The lecture presented nine legends and theories appearing […]