Edited and prepared by Prof. emer. dr. h. c. Mirjana Matijević Sokol and associate professor Dr. Tomislav Galović, Croatian Heraldic Heritage I. – Selected Topics, is a historiographically relevant and well-structured selection of texts on Croatian heraldic heritage created by the work of sixteen authors. The work covers 362 pages and is equipped with an […]
Tag: Botica
Ivan Botica
A New Thematic Number of »Hrvatska revija« on Heraldry
»Hrvatska revija« (Croatian Review) is a journal of the Croatian Matrix (Matica hrvatska) covering social and cultural issues. The journal was established in Zagreb in 1928 and issued until 1945. It was reestablished in 1951 in Buenos Aires, and since 1991 it has again been issued quarterly in Zagreb under the Matrix. The latest number of Revija has the […]