The symposium »Semiology of the defensive Homeland War« organized by the University of Zadar and the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association was held in the ceremonial hall of the University of Zadar on 5 December 2013.
Book of Abstracts »Semiologija obrambenoga Domovinskog rata«, Zadar, 5.12.2013. (pdf, HR)
9:30-10:00 – Reception
10:00 Addresses
– University of Zadar: Rector Prof. Dr. Ante Uglešić
– Croatian Herladic and Vexillological Association: Dr. Željko Heimer
– distingushed guests
– representative of the Organization Board
Section I. (10:50- 11:50)
10:50 Ilija Vučur: Policemen rebellion in the Drniš police station
11:10 dr. sc. Janja Sekula Gibač: Beginnings of the Serb rebellion – DonjiLapac
11:30 Željko Jamičić: Official uniforms and insignia of Ministry of Interior
11:50 Discussion I.
12:00-12:20 Break and cocktail
Section II. (12:20-13:30)
12:20 Goran Mladineo: Constructing of the Serb parastate in Croatia: symbols in space
12:40 Vjeko Kramberger: Review of rebels iconography
13:00 Frane Bojmić: Agression to the Republic of Croatia and formation of the Croatian Armed Forces
13:20 Discussion II.
13:30-16:00 Lunch break
Section III. (16:00-17:30)
16:00 Ivica Nevešćanin, Andreja Smetko: Semiological aspects of the “Homeland War” exhibition
16:20 Marin Sabolović: Official uniforms of the Croatian Armed Forces
16:40 Božo Kokan: Official insignia of the Croatian Armed Forces
17:00 dr. sc. Željko Heimer: Military unit flags from the Homeland War
17:20 Discussion III.
17:30-17:50 Break
Section IV. (17:50- 19:00)
17:50 Marin Buovac: Semiology of the Homeland War exemplified by philately
18:10 dr. sc. Slavko Rajič: Simbolic of chaplancy in the Homeland War
18:30 Damir Markuš: Symbolic of the Croatian Radio Vukovar
18:50 Discussion IV.
19:00 Exhibition Opening Ceremony