Scientific Symposium »Symbol, Identity, and the Homeland War«, 31.10.2014

It is our honour and pleasure to inform you of the organization of a scientific symposium »Symbol, Identity, and the Homeland War«. The symposium is organized by the Sociology Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association. The lectures and activities will take place on 31 October 2014 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb.

We invite you to support our project and actively participate. We are looking forward to having you as a lecturer or participant at the symposium.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please fill in the Application Form and send it to no later than 15 September 2014.

We would very much appreciate it if you would let us know on your intention to participate even before to that date, with a paper or as a member of the audience. We would also be grateful if you would forward this invitation to others who might be interested.


The Organizational Committee:

dr. sc. Željko Heimer

Marin Sabolović
Goran Vuković
Mario Werhas
prof. dr. sc. Ozren Žunec

Program of the scientific symposium »Symbol, Identity and the Homeland War« Zagreb, 31.10.2014. (pdf, HR)


Scientific Symposium
Symbol, Identity, and the Homeland War
Zagreb, 31 October 2014

This scientific and professional symposium is intended for researchers of semiology and issues of identity during and after the Homeland War in Croatia.  Its purpose is the exchange of research results examining of the meaning of the symbolic dimension of the social reality during the Homeland War, as well as the intangible symbolic heritage from the period which we have inherit today.  By presenting various approaches to research into that war at the moment of establishment of the Republic of Croatia and its Armed Forces, we wish to advance and enable an interdisciplinary approach not only to the disciplines of contemporary history and sociology, but also to other scientific areas.
The framework topics for papers are:
–    Heraldic and vexillological elements of Croatian armed units
–    Uniformological and phaleristic elements of Croatian armed units
–    Affiliation emblems of Croatian armed units
–    Numismatic and philatelic reflections of the Homeland War
–    Prevailing motifs in Croatian war insignia
–    Art in the Homeland War-posters, music, graphic art, graffiti, architecture…
During the symposium, an exhibition of militaria from the Homeland War will be organized.


8:45 Prijava izlagača
9:00 Svečano otvorenje
1. sjednica „Identitet i simboli u umjetnosti u Domovinskom ratu“ (Moderatori: Ž. Heimer,O.Žunec)
9:45 – Umjetnost u Domovinskom ratu – „Hrvatska stvarnost na razglednicama 1991./1992. (J. Maras-Kraljević)
10:00 – Bjelovarski ratni plakati 1991.-1993. (M. Medar, K. Ivanček )
10:15 – Glazba u Domovinskom ratu (J. Degl`Ivellio)
10:30 – Lica rata – ratne fotografije (I. Nevešćanin)
10:45 – Domovinski rat u Glasu Slavonije i Globusu (A. Perković-Paloš)
11:00 – Rasprava I.
11:05 – 11:45 Stanka uz kavu
2. sjednica „Vojni identitet i simboli u Domovinskom ratu“ (Moderatori: M. Werhas, M. Medar)
11:45 – Spomenici Domovinskog rata (S. Križić-Roban)
12:00 – Zastave zagrebačkih postrojbi iz Domovinskog rata (Ž. Heimer )
12:15 – Znakovlje požeške 123. brigade (V. Kramberger)
12:30 – Sisačka tvrđava Stari grad kao motiv na znakovlju sisačkih postrojbi i dokumentarnoj građi u vremenu Domovinskog rata (I. Valent)
12:45 – Svečane odore Ministarstva obrane i Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske (M. Sabolović)
13:00 – Rasprava II.
13:05 – 14:30 Stanka za ručak
3. sjednica „Identitet i simboli društva u Domovinskom ratu (Moderatori: M. Sabolović, G. Vuković)
14:30 – Historijsko-geografski motivi na hrvatskim falerističkim elementima (M. Sabolović, G. Vuković)
14:45 – Hrvatska kuna kao nacionalni simbol: mišljenja hrvatskih građana o uspostavi državne valute 1990ih i njenoj današnjoj upotrebi (T. Tarko-Poljak)
15:00 –  Monetarni sustav Republike Srpske Krajine na okupiranim područjima Republike Hrvatske od 1992. do 1994. godine (D. Filipčić)
15:15- Domovinski rat i hrvatska dijaspora:  koncepti domovine i identiteta iseljenika i potomaka iseljenika-dobrovoljaca Domovinskog rata. (M. Perić-Kaselj)
15:30 – Hrvatska stranka prava u Domovinskom ratu  (V. Veselinović)
15:45 – Rasprava III.
16:00 – Zatvaranje Skupa
16:30 – Osnivačka skupština Hrvatskog uniformološkog društva