Participation in Annales Pilar 2009 Symposium

Željko Heimer: "Tipizacija ratnih zastava postrojbi kao temelj za proučavanje identiteta Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske", Annales Pilar 2009, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i Institut za istraživanje i razvoj obrambenih snaga Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske, 21.-22.5.2009.

Željko Heimer: “Tipizacija ratnih zastava postrojbi kao temelj za proučavanje identiteta Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske”, Annales Pilar 2009, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i Institut za istraživanje i razvoj obrambenih snaga Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske, 21.-22.5.2009.

The Institute for Social Studies Ivo Pilar and the Institute for Research and Development of Defence Forces (IROS) of the Ministry of Defence organized their 10th interdisciplinary symposium with international participation “Annales Pilar 2009.” in Zagreb on 21 and 22 May 2009. The topic this year was “Security and Defence of the Republic of Croatia in the Euro-Atlantic Context”. The symposium was participated by some thirty scientists researching various questions of security and defence, including Željko Heimer with the paper “Typization of the war flags of units as basis for the identity research in the Croatian Armed Forces”. He presented the results of the preliminary research of unit flags from the Homeland War, he took as part of his postgraduate studies. He proposed a typization according to the design patterns. The typization indicates, on one hand, a tendency of development of individual unit identity, and on the other hand, the development of common identity of the Croatian Armed Forces, as a single organization.
