Participation in 28th International Congress of Genealogic and Heraldic Studies Quebec 2008

28ICGHS Quebec City, Canada

28ICGHS Quebec City, Canada

Between 23rd and 27th June 2008, the XXVIIIth International Congress of Genealogic and Heraldic Studies (28ICGHS) was held in Quebec, Canada. This year’s Congress, organized biannually by the international Confederation of Genealogy and Heraldry CIGH (Confédération Internationale de Généalogie et d’Héraldique) in co-operation with local heraldic societies and state heraldic offices, was hosted by the Fédération québécoise des sociétés de généalogie i Société de généalogie de Québec and the Autorité héraldique du Canada. The Congress was organized under the patronage of Mrs Claire Boudreau, the Canadian heraldry director.

The common theme of this years’ Congress is “The Meeting of Two Worlds: Quest or Conquest“, and it shall be attended by more then 460 participants, some half of this being from Canada. Also, the half of the participants are genealogists and the half heraldrists. Beside Canada, participants are from France, USA, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and other countries. The Croatian participation in the congresses is already not unusual – our members are old guests there, known for interesting lectures. However, for the first time now we are going as representatives of our Association. HGZD shall be represented by two of our board members:
Matea Brstilo Rešetar: “Heraldic Symbols on the Coats of Arms of the Military Aristocracy as Vehicles for Memories of Struggles Against the Ottomans
Dubravka Peić Čaldarović: “The Quest of a New Identify – Exemplified by Two Croatian Armorials

Our representatives returned with important news: at the General Assembly of the Confederation of Genealogy and Heraldry held on 25 June 2008 the HGZD was admitted unanimously to the membership of this international association.

After the HGZD became member of the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV), with this we encircle our attendance in the international professional fora. It is also a kind of an acknowledgment to the efforts of our Society, but also the years of work of our members, whose actions were recognized world-wide.