New Issue of the »Macedonian Herald«

Makedonski Herald 2

Makedonski Herald 2

Macedonian Heraldic Association (MHZ) issued a new number of its bulletin the »Makedonski Herald« (Македонски Хералд | Macedonian Herald). This is the second number of the bulletin, issued after a longer break of two years. Such a long break was surely not due to the lack of activity or materials, as this number clearly shows. 

On 16 pages of A4 size there is an article on new Macedonian civic coats of arms (and “coats of arms”), a discussion on the term ‘coat of arms’, the second part of the interesting article by Snežana Filipova on Miac flags, a review of current Macedonian orders, an article on emblematics of the wolf on medieval jewelry from Vodoč, a handy Macedonian heraldic dictionary and a chronology of the association activities, where, among other, is mentioned visit of the MHZ president to the founding assembly of our society last year. All texts are printed bilingual in Mecedonian and English, the editor is Jovan Jonovski, the MHZ president. The Macedonian Herlad is available in PDF format on line at

Updated 22.11.2014.

The above link provides download of all 8 issues of the Macedonian Herald published so far.