Marking of the World Vexillology Day in Zadar

Wolrd Vexilology Day - October 1

Wolrd Vexilology Day – October 1

The HGZD joined the initiative to mark the World Vexillology Day. On the occasion of our Society 10th anniversary, the HGZD will celebrate the World Vexillology Day during the Fifth National Congress of Croatian Historians, in Zadar, 5-8 October 2016.

All around the world, for the first time this year, the World Vexillology Day is marked on 1 October, promoting the science of studying flags – vexillology.

On 1 October 1961 Gerhard Grahl and Whitney Smithstarted the first scientific vexillological journal The Flag Bulletin, and the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV, it the moment when the modern vexillology was born.

The HGZD is among the very first national associations on heraldy and vexillolgy who joined the initative to mark a day dedicated to vexillology, among some twenty societies from the entire world (see the list of participating organizations at

Various vexillological institutions celebrate the day in various ways, some holding lectures and meetings, other by public hoisting and display of historical and contemporary flags and publicly highlighting to their social and historical importance as well as to the importance of their systematic research, and yet others do it in other appropriate ways. In several countries the marking shall be held within the national congresses or conferences, where a number of members shall be gathered. See more on individual events in various contries at

The focus of the World Vexillology Day celebration in Croatia will be on the fact, that makes us proud, that this year, it was issued so far, whether by the Association or individually by our members, no less then five books, and a few are still expected by the end of the year. Cf. articles on these web site