Lectures in the Croatian Nobility Union, 25.10.2006

Lectures in the Croatian Nobility Union, 25.10.2006

Lectures in the Croatian Nobility Union, 25.10.2006

On 25th October 2006, as one in line of the regular meetings held by Croatian Nobility Union (Hrvatski plemićki zbor, HPZ), our members from Rijeka Veronika Žuvić, Nenad Labus and Mladen Stojić held three lectures in the premises of the Paneuropean Union, Zagreb, in front of some two dozen members and friends of HPZ:

  • Veronika Žuvić: Coats of Arms as Visual Identity
  • Nenad Labus: Croatian Heraldry Today
  • Mladen Stojić: 27th International Congress of Generalogic and Heraldic Studies St. Andrews, Scotland

After each of the lectures there was interesting and fruitful discussion. Trying to depict you how it was, we provide some photographs.