Lecture by Željko Heimer at Dies Historiae 2008

Predavanje Željko Heimer na Dies Historiae 2008.

Lecture by Željko Heimer at Dies Historiae 2008.

The History Students Association “Ivan Lučić – Lucius” and the Croatian Studies of the Zagreb University organized the 6th scientific colloquium Dies historiae with topic “Water and its role though history”, on 10 December 2008 on the University Campus in Borongaj, Zagreb. The Colloquium was organized under the motto: „Bibe aquam de cisterna tua et fluenta putei tui. (prov. 5:15)“


Introduction, dr. sc. Zvonimir Čuljak
Voda u srednjem vijeku. Neka razmisljanja i mogućnosti istrazivanja (Water in the Middle Ages, some considerations and research possibilities), dr. sc. Damir Karbić
Prilozi poznavanju uloge vode u svakodnevnom životu srednjovjekovne Hrvatske (Contributions to the study of water role in the everyday life of medieval Croatia), dr. sc. Sabine Florence Fabijanec
Water systems in northern France during the middle ages: mills, irrigation and fishing, dr. sc. Joséphine Rouillard
Voda u magijskim obredima narodne medicine (Water in magic rites of popular medicine), dr. sc. Željko Dugac
Pojam vode u hrvatskoj i njemačkoj frazeološkoj baštini (Water in the Croatian and German phraseologic heritage), dr. sc. Željka Matulina
Voda kao apotropej i lustrativno sredstvo (primjeri iz hrvatske etnografije) (Water as apotrope and lustrative media, examples from Croatian ethnography), dr. sc. Jadranka Grbić
Lecture by Željko Heimer at Dies Historiae 2008.Odraz vode u hrvatskoj municipalnoj heraldici (Reflection of water in the Croatian municipal heraldry), mr. sc. Željko Heimer
Promotion of vol. 12/13 of the journal »Lucius«

The proceedings were published in 2011, available at Scribid: BIBLIOTEKA DIES HISTORIAE, knj. 4., Voda i njezina uloga kroz povijest, Zagreb, 2011.