Lecture by Heimer at the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon 9.12.2009

Lecture by Željko Heimer at the "Brethren of the Croatian Dragon" Society, 9.12.2009.

Lecture by Željko Heimer at the “Brethren of the Croatian Dragon” Society, 9.12.2009.

On Wendsday, 9th December 2009, Željko Heimer held a lecture on the coats of arms and the flags of Zagreb, hosted by the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon in the Dragon Tower above the Stone Gates in Zagreb.

The Brethren of the Croatian Dragon Society is an organization based on the Croatian friendship and brotherhood with the main mission to cherish the Croatian historical and cultural heritage. The Society was established in 1905 by Emilij Laszowski (famed also for his heraldic works) and Velimir Deželić Senior, while the name was chosen in reminiscence to the Ordo equestris draconis, the Order of Dragon Knights of the Croatian-Hungarian King Sigismund of Luxemburg, established in 1408, whose members were mostly the Croatian noblemen. The symbols of the ancient Order was partially adopted by the Society. Among the members of the Society is a considerable number of eminent Croatian scientists, culture and public persons. Also, in the Dragon Tower, the flags of the Guard Brigades of the Homeland War of 1990’s are preserved.

Predavanje Željko Heimer u Družbi "Braća hrvatskog zmaja", 9.12.2009. Predavanje Željko Heimer u Družbi "Braća hrvatskog zmaja", 9.12.2009.