»Grb i zastava« № 35 Issued

The № 35 of »Grb i zastava« was printed, in its Volume XVIII, soon to be posted to subscriber addresses. Additional copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«:

I’ll start right away without any false modesty with the joy that the two books I’ve been working on for a long time coincided in being published almost at the same time, so of course we cover that with appropriate texts. One is the result of my research prompted by random information a few years ago about a supposedly famous Croatian heraldist, of whom I had never heard before, and it resulted, if I may say so myself, in a nice monograph. The second is a collection of texts by fifteen experts who gave guest lectures at the university course Croatian Heraldic Heritage, which after several years of preparation finally saw the light of day in the form of a student handbook. This, as well as other activities, confirms that our Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Society is active despite all the difficulties that similar organizations have experienced in recent years.

This issue of GiZ is full of various contributions, from those we already expect to completely new and unexpected ones.

Thus, Galović tells the story of a generally well-known name, which the public does not often associate with heraldry – the revivalist Ljudevit Gaj. On this occasion, Kuščić brings us the story of the Bogdanić nobility, which tells us about the development of communal nobility in Istria. Using the example of the famous coat of arms of Jelačić, Pervan brings us thoughts on the development of late heraldry in the Baroque, and Horvat continues his story with the early Habsburg naval flags in the Adriatic. Sabolović presents another flag in the Bjelovar collection, and it is joined by Kušpilić with the presentation of one of the most valuable flags in the Split maritime collection. Zovko sends us interesting news from Swedish practice, while Todorović reminds us of recent changes in national flags.

Our small heraldic and vexillological community is diligent and persistent, and we are glad to be able to report on it in our magazine.

I hope you enjoy reading GiZ,

Željko Heimer

The table of contents of this and previous issues see at »Grb i zastava« – Contents.