In the begining of December the »Grb i zastava« was printed, its № 28, November 2020, in its Volume XIV, soon to be posted to abonoments addresses. Additionbal copies of the GiZ you may order from Leykam International. We copy here from the »Editorial«:
The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced our Association activities, just as it has the entire social, political, cultural, scientific, and any other kind of life in the country and globally. While inperson meetings have become scarce, researchers have remained busy and hardworking, so as the editor it is not easy for me to choose among the excellent submissions and to leave others for a later issue. My concern has been to cover various topics and interests, from different periods, various fields, all kinds of research approaches and methodologies, and in any other way to provide something for any reader. You may judge if I succeeded.
On the cover we modestly mark this year’s Croatian Flag Day. I am grateful to the director and curators of the Croatian History Museum who readily support our Association efforts.
Within these pages our faithful readers will see new installments of the usual columns. Galović thus writes on an agile heraldist, with whom I had a chance to correspond via e-mail as a young researcher still developing my flag interest, and whom I fondly remember as one eager to help even though we were continents
apart. Further on, we read a new installment of Todorović’s story on flags on portolans, this time on the southern Adriatic coast, and Horvat’s story on flags in the Battle of Sisak. Also, Kuščić brought us an interesting presentation of nobility coat of arms of the Celebrini family of Rijeka and Krk, while Sulejmanagić notes a forgery that long gone unnoticed. With this issue we start a series of articles by new collaborator Zoran Peran, on personal heraldry on the Adriatic eastern coast, a subject that in spite of being
covered by several capital monographs is still quite unknown and ignored in comparison with our continental heraldry.
Finally, after a few issues where we had to skip them due to the volume of other texts, we continue with a series of shorter articles in the Flashes column, selections from Facebook posts, although we remain several months behind. Among these Flashes we also present the story of The Flag documentary and on the flag of the EU Presidency, and after all, a part of it surely is now a regular report from last year’s 11th Zagreb Art Flag Festival.
Through the Festival we met the Indian journalist who is interested in identity symbols, who decided to share with us a monograph by our esteemed colleague, also a passionate stamp collector.
Conveniently, that item is followed by an article by our occasional collaborator Vitez, writing on heraldic postmarks and there is also an article by Buovac on Otočac. Haven’t I promised there would be something for everyone?
Most of all, stay healthy and I hope you enjoy reading GiZ,
Željko Heimer
The table of contents of this and previous issues see at »Grb i zastava« – Contents.