»Grb i zastava« № 24 Issued

The number 24 of our bulletin »Grb i zastava« is issued in its 12th volume with 36 pages. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International. publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy:

The fact that we had to expand our Chronology from the back cover, where it has been located in previous numbers, to yet another page, gives us immense joy… just as much as the fact that we again have some new names among our authors, who, we are convinced, will not be
restricted to a single contribution.
Following our custom of welcoming foreign authors to our journal, a doctoral candidate from Pécs Pelles writes for us, indeed on a domestic topic. We are looking forward to the publication of
his new book, to be promoted in Rijeka soon. A colleague from Osijek who is using coats of arms to date artifacts of her primary interest – musical instruments – prepared a small pearl for us from
her area of research.
Our “old” authors continue with their columns, so we are reading Galović’s 14th article on meritorious heraldists, Todorović’s fourth
article on portolan flags, and Horvat’s third article on flags in late mediaeval battles. Our colleague Vitez also found a curiosity to write about. Among our regular columns we also count the report from the International Art Flags Festival and a related workshop, which we bring with some delay. The text had to wait due to the large amount of material we wanted to publish in previous
numbers, but I do not think that it has lost anything attractiveness.
You can also read about the celebration we held in July, together with three important national cultural and historical institutions. And, as you may see on the front page, we were not entirely bypassed by this year’s football frenzy.

Earlier this year, our diligent colleagues from Zadar issued a superb piece on Dalmatian heraldry. We followed with interest the
presentations of their book, as reported by our colleague Božić. The other book that we present this time is by a foreign publisher, on a somewhat exotic topic, but so appropriate for our “western”
heraldic eyes that it would be a pity not to mention it. Afterward Prof. Galović describes two excellent recently defended graduate theses. One of these graduates reports from the heraldic congress in Arras, where he represented us, and for which he was awarded a sponsorship from the International Academy of Heraldry. HGZD is proud of his success and we therefore provided him additional although modest financial support. We introduce a new column, Flashes, with brief news and contributions from social networks. Whether it becomes a regular, occasional, or one-time column depends on your delivering materials to fill it. When you see a post
on social networks or in the media regarding coats of arms and flags in any of their social aspects, share it with us at hgzd@hgzd.hr
As usual, I hope you enjoy reading GiZ,
Željko Heimer

The table of contents of this and previous issues see at »Grb i zastava« – Contents.