»Grb i zastava« № 20 Issued

GiZ20Just as the previous issue that opened the tenth volume, the new celebratory № 20 of our journal »Grb i zastava« is issued in extended volume at 36 pages. It was just sent to the printers and our members may expect it soon in their mail boxes. Additional copes may be ordered through the Leykam International publishing house. From the »Editorial« we copy:


It pleases me that GiZ takes on the flavor of scientific dialogue in searching for the oldest Croatian flags – and reveals many so far entirely unknown examples. Thus Horvat, with his text on flags from the 1527 Battle of Mohács (see GiZ 18 and 19), brings us an interesting hypothesis, while Peić Čaldarović introduces us to the
research of a young Hungarian colleague, who reveals a different kind of oldest Croatian flags, following other criteria. The question of “which one is it the oldest” has no definitive answer, and there will certainly be other candidates. In this category one may also count my notes on what appears to be the first attempt to introduce the
Croatian flag as a maritime ensign.

In the Lexicon of Croatian Heraldry, we present an article on Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, a meritorious and versatile Croatian historian,
patriot, and heraldist, on the bicentennial of his birth. The anniversary is also marked by the HPM with an exhibition, on which you may read by our secretary, the Musuem director. Furtheron, Galović also reports on yet another defended graduate thesis. We have received another contribution to the heraldic heritage of Brač, and from Slovenia a description of the ongoing effort of a colleague regarding the proper display of national and other flags.

You can also read in this GiZ my “travel” report – and we have not forgotten to follow the news on foreign national flags.

I extend my gratitude to all of you who responded to the last issue of GiZ, especially regarding the Star Wars article. Some of you were thrilled with it; others thought it has no place in these pages. It again confirms that symbols, even those which are invented (and after all, aren’t they all “invented”?), can stir up real emotions and actions. Certainly, I ask you to continue with your feedback on our contents, and I hope you enjoy reading GiZ.

The table of contents of this and previous issues see at »Grb i zastava« – Contents.