Digitized past issues of »Grb i Zastava« available on-line

»Grb i Zastava«

»Grb i Zastava«

Since recently digitized past issues of our journal »Grb i zastava« are available on our web site to anyone interested for download and reading. So far, all the issues published by the end of e016 are available on our web site, including the zeroth issue of 2006 and two extraordinary numbers published as working materials for the HGZD Assembly sessions. Subsequent numbers will be added successively.

We are convinced that the total of 506 pages of heraldic and vexillological material will be to your liking and we would be glad to hear your comments.

We are grateful to out hosting service provider for our guest information service at the Croatian Academic and Research Network CARNet, who graciously provided web space for these documents on their servers.

Links to the files of individual »Grb i Zastava« journal issues look in the list of the »Grb i Zastava« Contents.