Book Promotion: Flags from Stern, Mast and Bow, 27.9.2023

In Zagreb, in the Tower over the Stone Gates, the seat of the Society of Brethren of the Croatian Dragon (DBHZ), the Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Association, on the occasion of the World Vexillology Day, organized the presentation of Daniela Kušpilić’s book “Flags from the Stern, Mast and Bow: Catalog of the Collection of Flags and Signal Flags of the Croatian Maritime of the Split Museum”.

Wolrd Vexilology Day - October 1

Wolrd Vexilology Day – October 1

The event was organized as part of the celebration of the World Vexillological Day, established on October 1, 2016, and accepted by the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV) at the 27th International Vexillological Congress in London in 2017, as a day to mark the study of flags and the scientific discipline of vexillology. On October 1, 1961 the first issue of the journal the Flag Bulletin was published, marking the begining of organized vexillology. Many vexillological organizations around the world mark this date in different ways and with diverse activities(see eg. World Vexillology Day on Facebook).

The author of the catalog was introduced by Željko Heimer, HGZD President and DBHZ Master of Ceremonies, and spoke about the book. He pointed out that the long-awaited catalog of the rich collection of flags and signal flags of the Croatian Maritime Museum Split was expertly prepared by the young curator of the Split Museum very meticulously and with great passion. The catalog deals with almost three hundred objects from the Collection, mostly from the 19th and 20th centuries, but it represents maritime vexillology and practice from the time of the Republic of Dubrovnik, through all the regime changes in the countries on the eastern Adriatic until today. The Croatian Maritime Museum Split published this 172-page book at the beginning of this year. On the book itself see more Catalog of the Collection of Flags and signal Flags of the Croatian Maritime Museum Split

The author of the book gave a nice lecture about the Split flag collection, highlighting particularly significant and interesting examples from the collection, and gave the audience a sense of the breadth of maritime vexillology that this second largest collection of flags, and the largest collection of maritime flags in Croatia, has.

After the lecture, there was an interesting discussion about the use of flags at sea, and after the formal part, in accordance with dragon customs, socializing and discussion continued in an informal form in a cordial atmosphere.