Address to a Seminar in China

VRCC 1st Flag Suppliers Seminar 2021

President of HGZD, in his role as the FIAV president, answered the invitation of the Vexillological Research Center of China (VRCC, 中国旗帜学研究中心) to address the participants of the First VRCC Flag Suppliers Seminar. The Seminar was held on 8 December 2021 in Chinese city of Zhuji, some sixty kilometers south of Hangzhou, where some of the largest Chinese textile printing companies are located producing flags.

The seminar was participated by representatives and leaders of 30 large and medium-sized Chinese companies producing flags and flag accessory from Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hebei, Guangdong, and Jiangxi.The largest among them record the annual flag sale reaching 100 millions €, while some produced flags for the largest global and national events world-wide, from the Olympic Games to electoral campaigns and presidential inaugurations.

VRCC 1st Flag Suppliers Seminar 2021

VRCC organized this seminar in preparation for the 30 International Congress of Vexillology (ICV), that shall be hosted by VRCC in Beijing in 2024. The seminar was chaired by Yu Guocang, chairman of Zhuji Desheng Printing Co. from Zhui, leading special VRCC Flag Suppliers Committee. The seminar started with a video address by FIAV president Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Heimer, while the integral translation of the address was read to the participants by Li Yukun, national advisor for Flag Law (adopted in 1990, amended in 2009 and 2020) and honorary director of VRCC.

President Heimer greeted the organization of such a seminar, provided a brief presentation of ICV and FIAV historical development, pointed out the importance of links between academic researches and flag manufacturers world-wide, and particularly in the modern period when the number of flag manufacturers is decreasing in the West while the Chinese flag supply industry is booming. He congratulated in the name of all vexillologists world-wide the efforts to present the richness and significance of flags to those producing them, but also the information flow in the opposite directions, from producers to scientist: both ways may only prove to be benefitial for both sides here. In that sense, he greeted the VRCC initiative to make stronger bond with flag suppliers community in China.

VRCC 1st Flag Suppliers Seminar 2021

Honorary director Li Yukun held a speech recounting his  experiences in preparations, creation and implementation of the Chinese flag legislation and development of Chinese flag industry. Leaders of companies supplying flags and flag accessories talked on various aspects of production, sale and use of flags. They jointly expressed the wish of the entire industry to be based on research and to enhance flag culture, to increase quality and to prevent distribution of inferior goods in this branch. Also, they collectivly expressed gratitude to agile VRCC chairman Zhao Xinfeng, who gathered colleagues to clear the path towards these goals. Participants also welcomed efforts to enhance awareness among manufacturers at all levels how their product contains much more than ingredients used in their manufacture process and technology for the end buyer, and that respect toward the product should be developed in every strange of its production and trade. Cooperation among manufacturers and researchers has no alternative in those goals.