Our 9th Tribune was held on Tuesday, 29th March 2011 at 18:30 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG), 44 Preradovićeva street.
Mr. Hrvoje Kekez, Medieval History Department, the Croatian History Institute, held the lecture »Nobility of Zelina and their Arms«.
The nobility of the Zelina region is recorded already in the oldest medieval documents of 13th century. Since the early New Age, the new nobility appears, granted by the Hapsburg rulers. The coat of arms was a media of the identity of an individual nobleman, of a noble family, but also of nobility communities. Granting the armorial patents (litterae armales), the ruler was giving to an individual, a family of a number of families at once, a certificate on their noble status and the rights and obligations that are drawn from it. The lecture showed armorial patents and coats of arms of the Zelina region, concentrated, on one hand, to the heraldic analysis of the patents, i.e. the analysis of colours and charges in the arms, respecting of the heraldic rules, analysis of ornamental element (mantle, crown, figures on the helmet etc.), and on the other hand, to the diplomatic analysis, first of all to the structure of the Latin text of the patent. The occasions and motives for granting of the patents were also analyzed as well as the number of persons to which a single patent was issued to. Twenty three arms were presented in total.